Thursday, March 31, 2011

Awana Kijal 2011

Went to Awana Kijal, Terengganu, during the last school holidays.

This round, we went along wif my parents, my bro n family, and my sis.

View of Awana Kijal, from our room. BTW, we're on the 8th floor. It's all windy.

Perhaps it is still monsoon, u can see the heavy clouds there.


Our room.

Its quite spacious, and comfortable. What I love was that the shower and toilet were split.Thus, got its own room n lock. Senang sikit kut my kids need to do their business even if someone is in the shower, hehe.

My fav spot in Awana Kijal. Each time here, i'll never miss this. This round, went for the massage everyday, and even took my mum to enjoy it as well. (even my girls are busy getting someone to done their hair, grrr. sebok aje...ingat free ke?)

On the 2nd day, I'd took the 'Ultimate Spa Experience' package. Ahhh...I'm rejuvenated...

These are some of the activities there. FYI, u cant swim along Awana's, as it is not that safe. So, most peeps would just enjoy the resort's facilities.

They'd enjoy riding bikes the other day.

Macam adegan dalam drama lak pic bwh ni kan? (my dad trying to pick up some line???, heheh)
H and her sweet little girl


H and T, together with my bro and his d'ter (yg nampak tangan aje tu), about to take off with the ATV.

Off they go!!!!
ATV ride costs at RM30 (or is it 50?)/ride, i couldnt really recall.

But the bikes are only at RM10/hour.

My girls, enjoying the sand, but not so much on the sun. It was, a really sunny day.

I am well pampered that day, wont join any sand nor beach activities, just sat here n worming wif my books.

We'd indeed had a good precious moment that day. Makan, toksah cakap la...sedap manjang..hehe...

Not forget to mention, we'd enjoy the live band the other nite. Bukan ada orang pun, so the kids get down to the dance floor, hahah!!!


We're the bunch of people there....

My bro, mum, sis, me, kiddies, and my sis-in-law. Mum, sis, me, kiddies and H. Dad was not in both pic. ntah mana ntah dia pegi.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Few weeks ago, we went back to my 'kampung', which in actual fact, no one longer lives there.

It is infact an old house; left alone, but still standing tall.

p/s-note the black shadow on the top-right? yeah, something has definitely gone wromg with my lense lately.


Ok, back to the red & yellow house (Red Giant la kunun, hehe).

So, this is where I grown up, till I'm 5.

In short, I stayed with my nenek (granny) till I'm ready for preschool.

I cant really recall, but basically I was brought here eversince I got discharged from Assunta Hosp., hehe

My parents will visit me, my younger bro, granny & atuk each week, without failed.

I was at times, coming to KL-but will always ask granny to go back to our 'home' in Morib.

Well, the whole surrounding was my playground basically. But my fav spot of coz - bawah rumah, coz it's sheltered, so, its a bit cooling, wahhhh...

Nenek will be upstairs, whilst me n bro played at the 'bawah rumah' as we refused to 'naik atas'.

So, granny will always remind us - if kids are all alone downstairs, nanti ada benggali will come & tangkap budak, coz he wanted the kids' heads.

wahhhh, each time, we got reminded, sure naik atas punyalahh, hehe.

View from the house, facing the trail n the trunk road.

Yes, i used to ran there as well,..lot of mosquitoes back then, huh!

Nice sunny weather-so my camera managed to get few goods pics.


Actually my mum arranged for a kenduri that day- few doas for the owner of the house-my late granny n atuk. I couldnt lie, but did wept, while reciting the yassin. Yup, I miss them both.

Granny was the one clipped my nails, I was the one menyebok in the bathroom, whilst she's doing her laundries. She's the one who sew my baju kurung...and so on..

And atuk, he taught me a lot of english words, especially the things surrounding our home.

And, we played n laughed really loud, until kena marah with nenek, hehe.

How could I forgot that.

******** Now, these are the later generations

My granny was only got to know my first girl, till she's five - her great grandchild.

As for the rest, she dont even got the chance to meet them.

My mum renovated part of the house, few years back. Basically, only the living room & 2 bedrooms remain. The centre part of the house & the kitchen have been renovated.


Here we are at the living room.

These are part of my mum's family the other day, which almost half of it, esp. the younger generation, the owner of the house were never even met.

In short, this meetings is almost 30 years, since our last family gathering here.

Can u imagine that?

Friday, March 18, 2011

I love my Ipod

Yayy!!! i love my ipod!

Downloaded so much applications recently, from games, travel essentials, up to recipes.

Now, i even have the atlas in my hand!!, yeahooo...

So dude, whenever i got bored, i'll scroll the atlas, check on other places' temperatures n weathers, or visit virtual Disneyland!Whatmore, i got the entire world train's map, prayer times, dictionaries (various languages) and can even visit beautiful places all around the globe!

Aint that fun???

Hmmm..i love my ipod so much!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Just got back from my vacation @ Awana Kijal, Terengganu on Monday 15th March.
I took an additional leave day, just to add another free day & let loose from the travel-hectic.

Manage to collect my roadtax & open my tabung haji a/c, which i'd postponed it for quite a while.
And also, watch the 'Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa'. Well, a not so bad movie. Quite an intelligence one, i would say. Like it.

Back to office the next day, I need to attend the dept. meeting. What more, I have 2 presentations that day:
1. 17 essentials of a good team player - a group presentation, so i just need to present 6 values out of 17.
2. My Council presentation. Thanks to the members as they completed the slides n songs as I want it. Present a bit, and almost officially, we've cease our tenure of service.

After the meeting, been told by a friend that the brother of a close friend died of an accident. kills my mood. I was quite worried, as to how, when, where & also how my friend coping with the loss.

I checked his facebook: nothing.
so I texted him, tho i dont really know if the news is true. Btw, i dont expect any reply, even.
Eventually he replied hours later. thx.

I was really not in the mood for the day. Nevertheless, still piles of work to complete, sine I just got back from my leave. grrr...

To bro MKW, u be cool ok. As i told u the other day, things happen for reasons.
God knows better. (tho, i really dont know how to face any of these, huhu).
I'm sorry for your loss.

u take care, k...