Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Padang/Bukit Tinggi - Day 3
Padang/Bukit Tinggi - Day 2
Forgot to mention that the weather at Bkt Tinggi is quite cool. Guess the temp. could be around 19-21 degrees during daytime..and colud falls around 17-18 degrees at nite (i rasa la)
So, agak 'nyaman' la masa kat sana...no sweating, but dont have to wear jacket/shawl. It was just nice.
The dinding is built in such manner (ada lekuk). There's a reason. So that, takde 'echo' inside the tunnel. Bijak kan??
buah mulberrypokok kayu manis (cinnamon)
kulitnya yg manis. taste the daun. Even the daun pun memang rasa cinnamon
The shoppe. Bought few pisang salai n titbits.
Made way to luch somewhere in the centre of paddy field.
Views, on the way
Our lunch..ikan talapia bakar tu, memang yummy...
Around the restaurant
paddy filed yg berteres2
At Pagaruyong-minangkabau's originated
Istana Silinduang Bulan.
This is actually a replacement for the original Istana Pagaruyong yg terbakar dulu.
Quite unlucky, unable to peep in, coz ada meeting kat dalam istana tu. According to the tour guide, selalunya istana/rumah gadang/rumah pusaka akan ada yg 'menjaga'. It could be ular, lebah, etc...in this case, ada 5 sarang lebah kat istana ni. Dan tak boleh amek madu tu sembarangan.
Balik from sana, singgah la few bouriques..cuci mata..cuci wallet...
Our last destination.....
pulun bai, pulun.....
On our way back to Padang (from Bkt Tinggi), singgah somewhere to buy "Bika" - a kuih
inilah kuih Bika..rasa cam putu bamboo..sedap.
Have dinner and checked in at Ambacang hotel. Hasil tangkapan for today.