At MidValley, straight to Crocs boutique.
We are surrounded by whole bunchs of Crocs, so colourful, it was so beautiful.

H quickly search the one that suits him best. Me, on the other hand, just browsing...but suddenly fall in luf with 1 of it.

crocs tee.
hp cover & accessories

lots of crocs's accessories

Once we'd finally choosed, then its time to choose the accessories. Bila tengok aje we all nak bli accessories, fairy pleaded H for a crocs as well. So, apalagi, she quickly browse 1 for her...just bcoz of the accessories..sighhh...
Maka, penghasilannya.....

none for thumbelina, lucky she's sleeping. She can use fairy punya yg lama tu, anyway...
more crocs after bonus day!!! tunggu....
nice shoes anyway...very comfortable.... alah beli menang damage
what???? more Crocs to come after bitamin??? yehaaaaa....but, dunt 4get my 'portion' wont change rite???? haha...
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