Thursday, July 17, 2008

Under Construction

Went to check-on our house.
Recently received further disbursement notice, so in total, the house is about 70%-80%complete.
So, we decide to check on the progress. With the current slightly unstable politics, we have a bit of worried. Ye la, mana la tau kan...pray hard those 97-98 scenarios wont repeat again. Lots of ppl turned jobless, investment companies closed their business, lots of suffersome businessman, construction companies/developers bugkus..etc...a lot have been affected.
Hopefully jangan la developer ni ada problen whatsoever.
Kids, masa on the way

Here we are.
This is the proposed highway, still a far more to go, i believe.
The house. But this is the corner unit. It is bigger than our unit, of coz.

We cant actually reach our unit, as they didnt allow us to enter further. Ours is located on the left row. The actual unit cant be seen from this angle. the whole row


Anonymous said...

home sweet home !!!

Anonymous said...

big room...eee takutnye tido sorang...

Anonymous said...

boleh main bedak banyak-banyak kat rumah baru nie...yahooo...more space...jgn lupa beli bedak banyak-banyak ye mummy !!! i like it.

Crazypixie said...

wut a brilliant idea by nicot..hmmmm..nak main bedak ye...siap la nanti, kena simpan bedak dlm safe-box la gamak nyer...