Fairy called me in the afternoon and told me a boy'd pushed her at her sekolah agama. She said the wound is quite bad but i just ignore it coz i know she is normally too fragile.
Cant even stand even a minor luka if jatuh etc....So i just ignore it and she told me atuk dah letak ubat.
When me n H get back, she shows it to us...hmm..the wound is quite bad so decide to bring her to a clinic to clean it up coz takut bernanah etc..dah la nak gi jalan nih...
Before kena cuci..

While being 'sterilized'

Not even once did i told mum 'bout my wound watsoever...cover beb...terus pakai seluar panjang sepanjang hari...hehe..takot kena marah..haha...
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