As usual, we'd only stay at home during weekend of fasting month. Just dont feel like going anywhere, we just dunt wanna be exhausted...thats the reason we'd done all the shoppings wayyyy earlier...there'll be huge crowd everywhere in Ramadhan..with the people, traffic jam, looking for car parks...children runninggg...fasting...gosh..just couldn't stand that.
My small angel....
These few days (actually since last week if I'm not mistaken), she was so into those computer games, internet games, bla..bla..bla..dah macam ketagih pulak.
Geram jugak, coz she'll be crying if we disconnect the line or take away the notebook.
This morning, she ask me to on the notebook. I ignored her, continue my zzzz...tup-tup berlepuk notebook tu terjatuh from the sofa..lucky it was hubby's..hahah..takde lar kesah sangat kan..(perangai daku...ohhh...) cuba gue punye...mau kena sedas kut budak kecik tu, hihih...
So far, she didn't touch mine, I'll told her, "there's no games in my notebook, mummy nak buat keje nih" (hahah...devil's laughing)..Then she'll run to the desktop pulak, of coz with the assistance from the captain..sapa lagi...kakaknye lar...grrrr
She loves to play the puzzle games. The funny part, I wonder how she knows how to start, cancel, exit, select puzzle etc..lawak la plak, she must be memorizing all the options...definitely she's unable to read yet lar..
Concentrate abes makcik ni...
Got appointment with sis n her fren (or is it a boifren?...boy friend...boyprend?..hmm..wutever u call it..I'll only care 'bout the food, hehe)to berbuka at Swiss Garden.
Terrible jem all the way from Marriott through Jln Bkt Bintang, chisss.
Spot this motobike, BMW ok... We suppose this bike must be travelling all over the world by looking at those maps/flags/stickers...he could be asking for donations I guess...btw, not sure if we guess it rite...ntah2 he fancy those flags n maps, haha, no one knows.
Waaaaaaaaa kecik² dah main computer ... ni si adik tu kan
yup...geram tul..dah tahap gian lak tu..tensen je gue..
yup...geram tul..dah tahap gian lak tu..tensen je gue..
ko kena beli another laptop for her hih h ihhih
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