This is the 1st day of Ramadhan this year.
Encourage F to fast this year, as last year she’d only made it for 7 days I guess, the rest all goes into half day.
Daddy promise her Rm5/day..wah..wah..wahh..manyak cantek…
As 1st day of fasting is a public holiday, we went to sahur at 2am at mamak resto in Ukay Perdana.
Encourage F to fast this year, as last year she’d only made it for 7 days I guess, the rest all goes into half day.
Daddy promise her Rm5/day..wah..wah..wahh..manyak cantek…
As 1st day of fasting is a public holiday, we went to sahur at 2am at mamak resto in Ukay Perdana. my Sims 2 new packs yesterday.
It got Sims2 ‘Apartment Life’ expansion pack & 2 stuff packs (kitchen/bath & Ikea)..Thanks MKW. So, after the sahur, spend my whole nite playing/exploring the game (dah lama betul tak usik game ni).
Quite nice, there is also magical stuff, but yet to explore all that..nanti2 lah...slept at 5am, dah dengar orang lain bangun sahur pun...hehe...
Woke up at 12.45pm, the kids probably woke up earlier than me (ganas tul la..)
Do some laundry, then decide to have our hair cut.
Just before siap2 nak keluar, dengar T nangis...wonder why, omigoshhh.....
Rasa nak hempuk si kakak pun ada, but at the same time, I'd already giggling, looking at T's face..udah macam PIRATE!!!..hahhahh..
Actually T sedih, plus could be quite mad with her sis, after looking at her face in the mirror.
Waa....pity her to have such a creative sis...
Maybe she dont even know anything when her sis draw on her face, till she looks at the mirror.
Quickly snap photo of her, though she still crying.
She refused to take photo, but then I pujuk2 la dia...yesssss!!!! gotta some pics.
This is her, she insist to put the gayung on her. Aduhhh..udah la misai tak leh nak hilang, pakai camtu pulak...lawak tul la...
Budak counter tu pun siap la adik ni...warghh..warghh..aku tak tahan...
Cannot imagine myself having another boy, wonder wut will be their other creative ideas..huhu..
at saloon. Cut my hair too.
Then, buy some food for berbuka.

Alhamdullillah, we complete our 1st day of Ramadhan.
Ha ha ha sampai mcm tu akak buat adik dia ... bertuah betul ... ko ketawa tak wehhh ha ha ha ... kelakar betul lar ...
memang la rasa nak marah...tapi tak jadi beb...sbb dah tergelak2..hehe..lawak tul
sarjan misai at work..camtu la
ya allahh .. anak aku tiga lelaki pun lum penah jadik camni ... brutal tul la anak ko ni .. cam ko jgk laaa ... lawak ... lawakkk ...
hahah...memang betul punye lawak la nih....akibat terlebih kreatip la ni...pastu laki aku plak panggil dia sarjan misai...haduh...kelakar tol...
ni noly kan?, ko pakai je chat box tu..lagi senang, takyah nak masuk I.D bagai...
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