A day before merdeka (it was Saturday).
Went to hospital for F's check-up. Then, went to Ampang Point, actually wanna buy a birthday present for F's friend's.Tapi, daku lak yg lelebih nyopping. Bought 2 pairs of baju kurung.
Then we drop by at a 'Fish Spa', just RM5 for 10mins.

Just wanna experience the 'tickling' feeling. Mula2 memang tergelak2 coz its really geli & i keep on shaking my feet as to shoosh the fish, its really tickles..haha..

I dont allow F to go to her fren's birthday party (a boy) at the Ukay Clubhouse.
I felt guilty, since shes been talking 'bout it the whole last nite & this morning.
Its just that I dont think she's ready to be there out alone . Furthermore, its at a clubhouse, i wont mind if the party is at home or my condo's swimming pool. But to let her alone at the club house, sorry baby.
With lots of guests and she dont even know which friend will be there, so might as well u just give the present on your school day.
Nite-went out to Alpha Angle, then drop by somewhere there to wait for the firework.Too bad, we cant see any from klcc, its only from Dataran.

On Merdeka DayMy fren call at 9.30, and we set appointment at 12noon @klcc. I slept at 5am the nite before, so i guess it'' be ok to take a short nap and to wake up at 10.30am.
Then, suddenly T wakes me up and looking at the clock..goshhh..11.45am..waaa...quickly take my shower and rush so that I can be there at least at 12.30. Rushing, but suddenly T buat kueh pulak....satu hal nak kena cuci & mandikan dia pulakkk..since her daddy is still zzzzing.
Reach klcc @ 12.45 after 'bout 15mins F1 driving technique. Lepaking @ Santini's, for about 4 hours I guess..sure tokey to boring je tgk muka we all.
Here we are, the 3 'school guard'. Havent met for about 9 years if am not mistaken. So much to catch-up. So, its time to revive all those ol' memories, repeating those stupidity jokes plus gathering our life stories.
till we met again
Wah gang brutal bertemu kembali
ya...of coz..dah tahap wajib nak kena wat reunion...
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