This is actually on Monday.
Am fasting, so thinking that I cant made it home for 'berbuka'.
So, decided to buka puasa kat Chakri's.

Actually I want to order the ‘Miang Kam’, my favourite starter.
Too bad, H for sure will refuse to eat any kind of ‘exotic’ food. So, not worth to order, of coz I cant finish it alone. Sigh….kempunan gue…
Too bad, H for sure will refuse to eat any kind of ‘exotic’ food. So, not worth to order, of coz I cant finish it alone. Sigh….kempunan gue…

Guess this is married life all about:
“Only a married couple can sit next to each other without any conversation”.
Read this somewhere, sometime ago. And I’d totally agreed…it made me think twice, and thrice…Of coz u wont feel comfortable sitting next to your friend without any conversation?…truth hurts, rite???..hahah….chiest la vie, anyway….

Pics are from my handphone, sure it’ll be lousy.

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