An office party today.
Actually to zerorised our dept. club collections.
And today, is a voting day, of whether to continue or not to continue with the dept.'s collection.
I vote for the club to remain..but we got 1 extra vote for the club to dissolve..grrr....
(should raise my both hands, & angkat kaki sekali, sure menang lagi 1 extra vote..hahah)
As a result, our dept. club is officially dissolve today & no more monthly collection.
Eleh, nak kena bayo rm10/= monthly pun nak komplen2 geng2 anti sosial nih....poyo jek...chisss
Haha...unlike me & few frenz, we opt for the club to remain, so we can gather for activities...haku kan suka aktibiti2 sosial ni..hahahhh...
I doubt this derived from complaint/suara2 tak puas hati from geng anti-sosial.
Coz theyall kan jarang join activities, so to them, they'll not benefited anything from the club collection..(i think so)
itula, sapa suruh taknak join, if dah taknak join tu, duk diam2 leh tak, jangan kacau geng2 weall nak bersuka-ria..
So, here's how the opis look like today.

Meals from pizza hut, california kitchen & chilis.
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