I cant recall when this actually took place, but knew it was somewhere this year. H got a course/seminar..or wutever it is, at Tiara Beach, PD. So we join him for a nite stay.
Posing2 around the resort.
Ni kira aktiviti yg dah habes boring la ni...coz H is not around, and I'm too lazy to bring the kids to swimming pool.
Ini la dia, siang2 jadik life-guard, mlm jadik drag lak..hehe...ok la tu...2 in1...

Watch Elizabethown tonite.
Love the hand-made map that made way for Orlando to meet Claire. It is so unique, and beautiful. Nice movie.

Love the way they talked all nite long, drive in the wee of the morning and meet-up at dawn. It was just sweet.Watch Elizabethown tonite.
Love the hand-made map that made way for Orlando to meet Claire. It is so unique, and beautiful. Nice movie.

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