Of coz, at the same time, sort of family gathering…
F with 2nd cousin, Hanis.
We pass by few troops of Kedah's fan on our way back to KL.
Straight away go to One Utama (OU) for jalan2 session. As far as I can recall, I think i'd successfully refrain myself from buying things today, haha!!!
Drop by to Crocs boutique as F wanna buy the Wall-e accessories. Once purchase is done and we're about to leave the boutique, T made this one kind of 'muka kesian' (in actual fact, dia pun nak jugak Crocs, seketol).
Ask her: 'Adik nak Crocs?'...Iye la…(dgn tone yg ala2 sweet + sedih, gitew…)
ala...kesian la pulak....Akhirnya, berjaya jugak daddy belikan utk dia...
There she is...with her new crocs close up sikit..ala...tecitnya.....with wall-e & eve accessories
with sis, (ignore the date, too lazy to change my hp's date)
with me, daku nyer tak byk accessories pun...
T so cute with her crocs.
yeah..she's cute in everthing!!!
btw, why u dont use my chat box?
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