Saturday, August 23, 2008

Cousin's Wedding

We’re off for my cousin’s wedding.
Of coz, at the same time, sort of family gathering…
F with 2nd cousin, Hanis.
Dont u dare to take my dad away...
T in her cheeky look, with her cousin, Elin.
T is just 'bout 6 mths older than Elin.
Kids playing hide n seek.

journey back to KL. uhhh...i'm exhausted!!!
Tonight is the football final (FA cup kot) btw Selangor & Kedah.
We pass by few troops of Kedah's fan on our way back to KL.

Straight away go to One Utama (OU) for jalan2 session. As far as I can recall, I think i'd successfully refrain myself from buying things today, haha!!!

Drop by to Crocs boutique as F wanna buy the Wall-e accessories. Once purchase is done and we're about to leave the boutique, T made this one kind of 'muka kesian' (in actual fact, dia pun nak jugak Crocs, seketol).

Ask her: 'Adik nak Crocs?'...Iye la…(dgn tone yg ala2 sweet + sedih, gitew…)

ala...kesian la pulak....Akhirnya, berjaya jugak daddy belikan utk dia...

There she is...with her new crocs close up sikit..ala...tecitnya.....with wall-e & eve accessories with sis, (ignore the date, too lazy to change my hp's date)
with me, daku nyer tak byk accessories pun...

I still couldnt find one that can suits me best


Anonymous said...

T so cute with her crocs.

Crazypixie said...

yeah..she's cute in everthing!!!
btw, why u dont use my chat box?