It’s Nisya @ Nichot @ Thumbelina’s birthday today. She’s 3 today.
We’d wished her since 12 midnite of last nite.
We’d wished her since 12 midnite of last nite.
Raining,...the whole day...
T on her 3rd year. Poor pic as I forgot to adjust the camera.
insist me to take pics of her clog
Some of her videos on her birth day.
*twinkle star*
*Pat a cake*
Went to Matta Fair, just wanna splurge ourselves there and cruising any interesting spot to visit. To reach PWTC, I need to pass by Chowkit, snap this pic, an old house, one of my grandma's ancestors.

There’s large crowd at the Matta Fair and we’re fasting, except for F. She skips today as she refused to sahur last nite.

My plan is to go to TGIF right after cruising Matta Fair, but H refused..grrr…tension je he said its about time for berbuka (it was 6.45, still got time ma…..bengkerkkkk je gue, huh)
So we end-up berbuka at The Mall’s foodcourt. While having my meal my mind recall those memories here, lepaking with frenz at this foodcourt. The Mall (known as Yaohan) was 1 of the best & latest/biggest mall in KL back in our 80's, hehe...
Then, drop by at, whatelse…Toys R Us la…

Drop by to buy T's present, but as usual...mana boleh beli 1 aje...
Went to Matta Fair, just wanna splurge ourselves there and cruising any interesting spot to visit. To reach PWTC, I need to pass by Chowkit, snap this pic, an old house, one of my grandma's ancestors.
There’s large crowd at the Matta Fair and we’re fasting, except for F. She skips today as she refused to sahur last nite.
My plan is to go to TGIF right after cruising Matta Fair, but H refused..grrr…tension je he said its about time for berbuka (it was 6.45, still got time ma…..bengkerkkkk je gue, huh)
So we end-up berbuka at The Mall’s foodcourt. While having my meal my mind recall those memories here, lepaking with frenz at this foodcourt. The Mall (known as Yaohan) was 1 of the best & latest/biggest mall in KL back in our 80's, hehe...
Then, drop by at, whatelse…Toys R Us la…
So, we end-up buying Wall-e for T & cute puppy for F.
Wall-e in action
anak ko nyanyi lagu twinkle2 little star lbh krg anak aku jerr ...
ye ke??..itu la pasal..pelat giler dak nih...umor pun memang sebaya kan?
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