Sunday...just relaxing at home, plus doing the routine house chores, laundry, etc..
And watching the 'Unfaithful" we couldnt find our Astro's remote
(actually T hides the remote inside the tv was since last nite, so we have to watch dvd, the whole last nite...huh)
UnFaithful...another beautiful story
..anyway its 'bout a wife who betrayed her husband, so end-up that the handsome macho good looking boyfriend (Olivier etc..cant recall his name) accidently (or purposely?) killed by the husband (Richard Gere).
Gere killed the guy by hitting his head with a gift (cant recall wut to call that 'thing' - refer pic below).
A gift which Gere gave it to the wife, and the wife then gave it to her boyfriend (pity Mr. Gere...)It was a touchable moment when the wife suddenly happen to find a note stick inside the gift.
It was a small envelope with remarks - Do not open this until our 25th anniversary.
But the wife continue to open it - It was actually the pics of them, with their son. She turns it and there's a message: To my beautiful wife, that I love forever...(cant really recall the note, should watch this part again)
so sweet...
bet thats the reason the hubby cant accepted it when his wife gave that gift to her boyfriend..ada notes sebenarnya....
At about 5pm, out for berbuka. Went to Lot10.
So much difference here, compared 10/15 years ago. No crowd at all!! We all berbuka at Parkroyal, wutelse? Chatz Braiserie la...(sorry if i spelt it wrong)
Arrive there at about 6.40pm, after T dapat tangkap Barbie seketul from the Isetan.
Large crowd beb..and we didnt make any reservation, ingatkan tak ramai org..huhu..
Foods are marvellous!!, lots of varieties....
this gurl, she eats only vege, all the way...anyway she really loves vege, i wonder why lar...(herbivor kut?) coz normally its hard to find kids who loves vege.
I'd only aim at the satay..yumm, yumm....but couldnt even finish it, huhu...
T's favourite
F. She really loose her weight..puasa la katakan....she'd missed only 2 days..
and everyday, keep on reaches almost RM100 now, i think..abes tu..1 hari upah RM5...mana tak nyer..

Still can recall, the highest upah puasa for me is 50cents day ajek...but dats BIG tho!!!
mewah giler tu.......but just like F, counted my money everyday too...haha..
mine's - 1st round
H's pleasure - 1st round

mine-2nd round.

H-2nd round

ice-cream...haagen daaz lagi...slurpss....but i just cant take it anymore la...tak larat..

si pipi kembung

Si pipi kembung dia kata anak dia hih hih hih ..
Amboi amboi sedap tul makan makan sedunia yer
memang pun..kembong betol pipi dia tuh...cuma skang ni dah kurang sikit, compare when she's still a baby.
makan..jgn tak makan...mana tak buntal..hihih..
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