Monday, October 6, 2008

Our Raya Activities

Stays at my in-law’s till Friday. Then move on to K. Kangsar; my dad’s hometown.

Journey to KK…gaya tido tak hengattt………

The best part of dad’s kampong is that they’re gonna have the ‘meriam’ really big, a biggest ever I’d ever seen, not from bamboo ok…its made of metal okay….

Still can recall, when I was a kid & when we’re at dad’s kampong, we are actually cant even sleep on the raya eve. It goes kaboom! kaboom! all nite long! And those years when my opah still around, and the house is still the original kampong wooden house, it seems that the house bergegar2 each time the meriam kaboom. Miss my childhood….

from previous year's collection. the pic is good, thats why i miss this camera.

this year's pic.

Not sure if it is because I failed to change the camera reso o' wut, the pic just turns dull, yuckss.
Back to KL on Saturday, terus gi beraya kat The Curve & Ikea (suddenly I realize, why I’d never think of going to my aunts/uncles house??…asyik ingat merayapppp aje)…


H decided to pay a visit to our future ‘nestle’. Ok la..agreed with that since it was quite sometime that we hadn’t check the progress.

Got to back into business after a week of holidayz...

grrr....i hate this..


Nad said...

Ha ha ha gaya tido tak hengat tu mmg standard lar ... so cute ... budak² kalau tido mulut melopong pun kiut hehehe

Crazypixie said...

hehe,...tau takper....tu kalo lalat masuk tu..memang kes naya la...

awat ko tak guna chatbox tu mek?, mssg ni bukan ada extra steps sikit, maleh nak verify bagai..(dasar pemaleh)