Thursday, February 26, 2009

Simply Beautiful

Spot this lovely tree at my condo's compound last week.
God is great!

Just flowers without any single leaf.

H is away-Singapore.
Staying at my mum's, just damn lazy to carrie those baggage to and better check-in at my mum's. Plus, can go to office much easier and faster.
Counting days for H to return..i wanna go back...pity my plants..sob sob..
(btw H is only away for 3 days..kakaka)


comey_lote said...

ye - ye je..igt kan lama kene tinggal..hahaha

Nad said...

Oh idup gak pokok tu kat msia ek

Crazypixie said...

dear comey...memang kojap je pakcik tu takde..gempak je lebey..hehe..

Crazypixie said...

ntah la aku pun tak tau ni pokok apa. tapi memang byk kat compound kondo aku ni. If musim panas je, sure pokok ni byk bunga