Its April fool's, and I'm on leave today.
H just came back from Kenyir, for his fishing trip last nite.
He went there for a 4 days trip (malas ah, nak post pic fishing trip dia).
Both of us take a leave today for one important event.
And that is to take the key for our new house. As far as I can remember, this is exactly a year from the date we sign-up for it.
Fairy is at school, so its just us and Thumbelina. Memang la dia syiok abes coz dpt ikut we all. Muka monyok while in the car, coz tgh ngantuk.
Things seems to be so beautiful, but in fact, theres lotta things to do..huhu..we need to register with MPS (maj.perbandaran sepang) before we install the grille, then to pay some deposit to MPS & Mgmt Office, before we perform any renovation.
Then later one, besides the full instalment pymt, we also need to start paying the maintenance fees.huhu..then nak renovate lagi....
And this is not including other fix & fittings yet, of which I dont give a damn at the moment. Waduh..waduh...pening sih....
Tengok la my garden territory..very the small. I think its more & less of my current balcony size, camana acik nak berkebun nih...
Tak kesah la..wutever it is, i'll still berkebun as usual, nothing will stop me, heh.
alhamdullillah, we always got lucky with the house no. My current house: B-8-8 (888). well, its just lucky maybe.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa besarnya rumah ... best best ...
Ina, jgn lupa satu bilik utk aku yer hehehhe (muka tak malu punya statement)
Takla besar sangat...buleh le utk we all anak beranak..
eh, x prasan lak 2nd part tu.
Wa ok je if ko nak 'rizeb' 1 hal...if org sudi, apa salah nyer...
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