Monday, April 6, 2009


The busiest week for me. Got few projects, arranging few meetings...small meetings..etc..
I rarely post my office's 'happenings' arent me?
Skipped my gym for almost 2 weeks now, gotta stayed back..huhu...
Beside the 'busiest' so 'called', I still can spare time for my dept's tournament (pulak..kan??)
And its...the 'Carrom'. Dah la daku di kerah utk jadi team captain...hadui la...
Today, the 1st tournament, my team (The Falcon 5) against 'Bona Fera' (sorry if i got yr name wrong ya). team loose..big time!..hahah...too bad my 'ayam tambatan' is on leave i gotta replace him.
Played carrom when I was still schooling, so kind of know the rules n technic, its just arent our lucky day.
Only manage to shoot once..when I made it thrice during the warm-up session...sengal tak????..hahah...and my team-mate accidently shoot the 'striker' in, so we've got penaltied for it..kakaka..
Just not my day...better luck next time..anyway..its just for fun the spirit of the game..yihaaaa....

Cant wait for other games..i.e. congkak, tutup oren & bowling..its gonna be fun!

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