Another event for the week.
Its the dept's 'Theme day'. This month, its my unit's turn to present it.
For record, each last friday of the month, we're gonna have a 'Theme Day' where each unit takes turn to present their 'theme'.

And the theme for my unit - Green day.
Practically, it is sumting to do with saving our planet earth, but i purposely select the title 'Green day' just becoz i love the Greenday group as well ( one in my unit know 'bout this, haha)
To bring-in the mood, we decorated the office a day took us till around 8pm, sighhh...
Creative director's table..(poyos je..).
Thanx to mr.mark yg tolong snap this, while i'm 'messing' around.
The next day..tadaaa....notice the tiny mammals?

The dinasour park, heh.

our murals
To make it more lively, on alternate days, our team will send emails on 'greenday' & saving our planet eath issues. Such as the 'green gen. manifesto', quizes, or anything to do with saving our planet.
We'd also a week earlier, requested, other units to submit their drawing on 'The beautiful of natures' & to be submitted on the 'green day' (24/4).
So, here are the efforts from all my colleagues, bravo!!!! u guys are so sporting.
We never expect this, even some excited to do the drawings (i guess we all left the school long enuf. and this may the best time to revive the skills, *wink*).
Such creative colleagues.
Theres awards given for the most creative, artistic & unit with the most active participants.
Forgot to mention, all are to dress in either green or brown, just to add the natures feeling into our 'theme day'. And again, all adhered to the theme. Bravo!!!..
Theres awards given for the most creative, artistic & unit with the most active participants.
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