F sports day. Held it at National Stadium Bukit Jalil.
My 1st time in Bkt Jalil without any hassle and crowd-free.
Actually her school is considered an A graded school for KL. Which school can held their sports day in Bkt Jalil? but for her school, this is their annual event.
Was damn hot, tapi ku gagah kan juga. Later on H took umbrellas for us, we all dah jd macam udang bakar da...
Collage for events held that day.
My girl...
Shes so eager for the show. Keep on practising, everyday, hehe. Went to her school while she's practising, my o' my...she's quite good compared to others. Biasa la kan, ada yg malas, lambat etc...hmmm wonder how she always good in those arts, dance etc..
Lucky those kids that can race in B.Jalil track..ingat senang ke nak dapat..unless u're nation's sprinter la kan.
Thru out my life, the best I ever had was when I played hockey at UM's hockey stadium. First time gotta chance to play on the turf...(else main hoki kat rumput la kan..). So, we r unable to predict the ball, when it suddenly going so fast, even with a little hit..kira best habis la tu kan..haha.
I think I played for KL hockey championship, under 12.
The formation - SKS.
Due to my position, the last 'S' in yellow was hardly recognized

Bravo to the teachers, they practised for only 9 days..and result was good. Bravo!
my cheeky girls
my cheeky girls
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