Saturday, September 26, 2009

Cameron Highland Version "Raya Ini Tahun"

Yayy!!!, we meet again!

There we goes, right up to Cameron Highland on the 3rd Hari Raya.

If u guyz wondering why my driver plug his MP4 while driving;

its just another some un-intelligence reason..., we shared a totally different songs..and thats it!

Haha..funny eh? While I'd alwayz wanted to listen to my U2, goo goo dolls, cranberries, bla..bla..etc, he preferred a slow-malay number..sorry, NOT my number, k...
So, mem gotta conquered the car's audio & the owner of the car had to listen to his MP4, heheh.
(mesti la kena mengalah ngan ladies, kan? *wink*wink*)


So, here we are the Casa De La Rosa. Our favourite, as always.
Lets take a peek.

This round, we wanna book a room overseeing a golf club.
Gotta to pay RM280 for the room, 'bout 60% increased from our last visit. Expected now is quite peak.
Lets cheeezzzzzeeeeeeeeee!!!!!

Mosaics from the trip

Its almost 6.30pm when we reach there.

Nothing much to be done when its started to dusk. And that the whole-lot purpose actually.

We just wanna be there to rest n relax, thats all.


Then, its dinner time.

Drop at Equatorial for dinner. Too bad they serve just only buffet and mostly are indian cuisine. Sorry, not in the mood for indian cuisine now.

So, we left to Strawberry Park Resorts instead. Yup, this is what we wanted.

'Soru' time!!!

Next day, posing for hari raya before we checked-out.

As usual, a trip to nursery is a must (what a typical girl i am, gheee)
Some orchids. Bought 1 for myself.

Playing around wif my lense around the nursery.

I was so alive when I was was stunningly beautiful!

Yelppp!!!!, I wanna be here 4eva!!!

Then we left to the market. Bought lotta sweet corns, strawberries (bet, u dont know how much my kids love strawberries), oranges and few veggies.

Opps, not forgetting few wraps of roses for me. tapi beli sendiri la kan. if nak harap kan pakcik tu, sampai kerepot pun dia takkan belikan kut, huhu..sian...
(except for) before getting married... :(

Note-but he bought n paid the rest btw,..i just bought my roses & plants, hehe..
Ops, dah takde pics lagi ek?
K guyz, thats it, will share some pics of what i got from there in my other posting.

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