4 years ago, I'd went thru a ceasarean 1 week earlier than my expected due date.
This was how it goes.
At 9.30am we went for a normal check-up & to perform the CTG test as normal.
From the CTG chart, my baby experienced slow/inactive heartbeart at times (actually nothing is wrong, no tangles etc..she's doing fine, or perhaps she is sleeping).
Then, at about 11.30am Doc. advised me to deliver right away via C section (one that I never dreamt of, sigh).
I'd never read anything 'bout C section & never bother to read anything 'bout it as I'm 95% positive to have a natural birth. But now...uh..
Once doc. directed me for C section, 2 nurses straight away prepared me for OT, cucuk tangan & ask what I'd had this morning, bla..bla..bla..
By 12 sumting, I was carried away to Ops Theater(OT) and left H and my F outside.
I dont even have the time to say goodbye to both of them, as I was rushed to OT (why the rush, btw??? I just dont understand.)
In the OT, I just wait for a while & an anesthetician(pardon for the spelling if it is wrongly spelt) came to me not long after.
He asked me to count to 20. I just manage to made it to '5' ahah.
While dozing off, I still can recall T'd dreamt 'bout a beach vacation, heheh.
You ask me whether I'm afraid of the operation?
Thank god. Doc. put me on sleep, so that I dont have to witness what they'd done to me.
My mental state just not prepared for any C sect, nasib baik gua pengsan.
Suddenly, heard someone calling me.
Immediately I felt like tenths of knives are on my tummy. Goshhh, it was pain..real pain!
Nurse immediately put me on epidural. It was cold, damn cold at that time.
Then, after a while, H brought my cute little T.
Then, after a while, H brought my cute little T.
She was quite small, weighing at 2.7kg, wrapped in pink blanket.
Woww!!! its god's miracle again!
Another beautiful thing is happening right in front of me.
But, due to the drugs, I slept most of the time on T's first day on earth.
But after that, we kept on asking nurse to bring T's to us, heheh.
Watching her was something unbelievable!
She was warm...soft...hmm...I can smell babies right now, eh.
She was warm...soft...hmm...I can smell babies right now, eh.
My sister used to called her a 'well-behaved' baby.
She slept all nite long in most of her early days (except for the first 45days).
She seldom cranky, and dont even bother if we just leave her alone.
Look at her now, all grown, cheeky and filled with love.
She loves to be cuddled, smart but whatever she demanded, you have to attend to it, immediately!!, huh.
Whenever she kisses me, she'll definitely kiss H too..hahah..perhaps to make its fair for us, hihih.
But sorry dear, there's no cake this year (again?) since it is Ramadhan now. We just went out for buka puasa at San Fran & bought her the Dora bolster for present.
We'll have the party later, k?
The night of her birthday
I love you...
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