Hahah..crocs..and crocs again.
Yeah, its my fav shoes now, after h.puppies.
My new Malindi
And this is 'Lily Women'. Nice!!
Bought it when I'm back to Ipoh few weeks back. I'm lucky both are last pair. if in KL, sure my size is no more..gheeee..
I love crocs!!
It was so comfort, light & most of all -waterproof!!!
If u girls are dying to walk in the rain in your velvet shoes, Sorry..thats are all my past, hehe...
(This could be my 7th or 8th pair, hahah..and all are still in good shapes, gud eh?)
Or, shall I announce the number of crocs in da house???, Bet u'll be surprise, hahah!
Ok, lets move on.
When its going 'balik kampung' (or I rather call it visiting my in-laws), to me its mean - makan..makan..and makan.
I can gain 2 kg each time I went there (alasan kah ini??).
Thats why we normally stay there for 2 days only. Or max for about 3 or 4 days only (which is very rare, ouch!).
All of us got 'bloated', each time we're there, hahah.
My m.i.l loves to cook, and shes a good cook too (aku tolong sikit2 je...tolong makan...sebab takde org nak makan, huhu).

And each time we balik, definitely ikan keli sambal is there. Its F and my fav.
And for H, toge gergasi masak tempoyak is a must.
Leave u with H's love of his life.
Note: now u know whats is H's most priority, urrghhh...
((On 20/9, there'll be MJ's tribute konsert in Genting.
Membuak2 rasa nak pergi ni..once in a lifetime beb...but bulan posa..dah nak raya lak tu..huhu...camno ek???
Then, I'm planning for Air Supply concert lak on 4th Oct.
Adus...but, I would rather sacrifice the Air. Supp, they can come again in next 4 or 5 years.
But MJ's tribute??? adoyaiii..apsal la buat time2 nih...
susah hati nihh...camno ek...))
BTW, when can U2 come here..uhukk..pleaseee....
I'll be in the vips (as if there'll be coming over...hehe).
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