Wednesday, September 30, 2009


At 'bout 6.20pm, while was chit-chatting with my 2 colleagues, I suddenly felt like somebody's rocking my chair.

Then I go - hey, look, another earthquake!
I'm definite 'bout it coz we'd experienced it couple of times.

BUT, this time, it was swaying non-stop, for until 'bout a minute or more!.
Gosh, I quickly baca ayat kursi, until I'm done, the building is still swaying.
The fan nearby my was rocking and my money plant's water are all wobbling!

Then, a friend started to feel dizzy, and I quickly called H. He told me he felt it as well & going back immediately.

There me goes, immediate sign-out & switch off my pc. c.a.b.u.ttttt!!!!!!

Damn, waiting for the lift its like forever. Waited for until bout 15minutes before I manage to touch down. Everybody rushed down!

Then, someone smsed infm us, theres an earthquake nearby Padang at 7.9 sc.richter.
Thot so...already predicted the quake must be quite obvious coz the shaking was the worst ever and the longest we'd ever experienced.

My pray goes for the victims, gosh di bulan Syawal pulak tu.

Watched Awani tonite, the students in Padang said Ambacang hotel in Padang was also affected. Gosh, we'd stayed there before, takutnya.....quite worried of my upcoming bali trip already..huhu.

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