Thinking twice, I knew it will definitely just to add more things to my hse..nahhhh...i dont need that, dont I? (makcik berjaya melawan napsu tau..)
Keep on thinking, I will definitely not buying all these balinese craft, coz i'm just not into it. But, if travelling to Europe? ahhhhh....kurus la poket ku...huhu...
Lot of these miniature guitars & drums. Yup, i really admire those..buttt....do I need one?
(but now, I did think..why I dont buy these thing..it must be damn cheap there,..huhu)
RHCP drum is really cool!!!
F showing off her decorated nails.
When we cant take the mineral water no more, or, balinese used to call it 'Aqua', we turned into these drinks instead.
Then, pak supir took us to Nusa Dua (I insisted as our last day itinery as the airport is just nearby).
Basically it was such a relaxing place there where those 5 stars resorts are located. it seems that we have to pass a securitry check to enter the Nusa Dua township.
We drop by at the public beach, but still not many ppl there, unlike the Kuta & Sanur beach.
Then we drop by at the one and only Nusa Dua's town centre.
Actually lots of nice pics taken here, but i'm just damn lazy to post those here..huhu.
In one of its souvenir shop.

At the far end of the coastal, i can see airplanes took off and touched down.
What a nice place to have dinner, yup, bet I gonna love this (but this will also depends on the food & the service. Tapi, if food tak best, ku ampunkan lagik...but if services are lousy..sorry la brader....)
After zooming in 18times..wahhh..Garuda air rupanye...
Sesi photography bersama supir...plus ada buah-tangan sikit utk pak supir.
(the Suzuki behind there, yes its out transport thruout the holiday)
Reach there around 6pm where our flight is at 8.40pm.
Lepaking at McD..and as usual..last flight sure gonna be delayed...hmmm..so, its delayed to 9.30pm..maka melepak la kami kat airport...
Around the Ngurah Rai Airport.
T slept all the way..pretty tired i guess.
So, thats bout it, and if I got in the 'mood', or sumting came to motivates me, i'll post pic of 'Around Bali', insyaallah.