Decided to made way up north on our day 3.
Our first stop for the day - Mengwi.
Famous for its 'Royal Temple'
By 3rd day, the woven basket with flowers (below) has become my common sight already. 
It was everywhere in Bali. Be it in front of their shop, at their temple, in front of their door, at the cashier's counter, in the car..etc..u name it. Its part of their prayer actually. They'll prepare it early morning before starting daily activities & after completing the job for the day.
Signage before entering the temple (tp gue belasah je..sbb gue nak tengok2 je..bukan nak buat apa pun-nak sedapkan hati, hehe)
This, the great temple of Pura Taman Ayun. It was built in 17th century and served as the family temple for the Mengwi Dynasty. The dynasty lasted until late 1800s.
Beautiful temple entrance.
Lets peek whats behind the closed door.

Right-the temple's 'hut'. Each hut has its own purpose, e.g. to place the musical instruments or for gathering..etc..wish i knew all...
Left- a woman, praying.


Then, we move on to Bedugul. It is approximately 1400mtrs above sea level.
Good thing is, we dont even noticed if the road are all winding, coz it was not!
I dont even know that we're actually in a higher spot until we reach a strawberry farm.
Never knew that Bali has a strawberry farm? Was not mentioned anywhere, thus it was not in our schedule either.

Cant u see that no one's there? Just us!
Thanx to Pak Aris- our supir. Kids finally got the chance to pluck those strawberries, haku pun excited jugak, heheh. Lots of ripe ones.
Lucky us, sbb kat cameron selalu tak dpt pluck, coz takde ripe strawberries.
Good thing is, it was yummylicious!!!, tasted better than Cameron's.
Err...yes, they charged us - IRP25,000 only..hoho... around RM10/= for 2 packs.
Somewhere in Bedugul.
Spot lots of monkeys on the way (damn lazy to post the pics here-u know how monkeys are , rite?). And no wonder our supir bought bunch of bananas just b4 that. Apalgi, suka la budak2 tu bagi pisang kat those monkeys by the road.

Then, after a few winding roads plus, daku tertidur sikit, we finally arrived at 'Pura Ulun Danu Bratan'.
This temple is also known as 'Temple by a Lake'
..u know why..
Again...told ya, it was everywhere.
Far behind is the Lake Bratan.
But, we dont went any nearer to the temple, plus daku dah tak larat nak visit temple lagi.
And I just cant afford to upload the whole pics, huhu.
And I just cant afford to upload the whole pics, huhu.
Around Ulun Danu.
Lake Bratan.
Had lunch at Restoran Ayam Bakar Taliwang.
Hold on for the foodies pics, eh.
After mengisi tank, we move further to the north.
As usual, bila tank dah penuh, maka mata pu n memberat la kan....sedar2, I'd already at 'Gitgit'.
We walked for about 400mtrs before reaching the waterfall. Nice surroundings plus various art shops accompanied the journey.
-Which country is 'Selandia Baru' by the way?-
Actually the bomb is mounted in a car along the Legian St., just outside the club. So happened that it burnt the club, thats what caused it.
What was left -the site of the club now...a car park area. From my humble observation, the area was the hottest spot there. It was a cross-road of lost of pubs & discos, no wonder stevie wonder.
Our Supir left us by the Kuta beach.
-was all packed, tho it was Monday-
Around Kuta St.
Had our dinner at McDonalds.

After mengisi tank, we move further to the north.
As usual, bila tank dah penuh, maka mata pu n memberat la kan....sedar2, I'd already at 'Gitgit'.
We walked for about 400mtrs before reaching the waterfall. Nice surroundings plus various art shops accompanied the journey.
coz nothing much other than the waterfall (kut boleh mintak wish ok la jugak kan, heheh)
I planned to move up further to Lovina beach and Singaraja.
I planned to move up further to Lovina beach and Singaraja.
Lovina beach is where the dolphin park is & Singaraja is another town in Bali island. But H rejected my proposal & suggested to move back to Kuta to watch those surfers.
Ok la bossss.....(dgn hati yg berat, huhu...)
Slept all the way back. The journey could be around 2 hrs or so.
We reached Kuta at 5.30pm.
Here we are at Legian Street.
Slept all the way back. The journey could be around 2 hrs or so.
We reached Kuta at 5.30pm.
Here we are at Legian Street.
Behind us is the memorial for Sari Night Club bombing victims.
202 were killed in the tragedy way back in 2002 (what a coincidence). it, could it be New Zealand perhaps??? Only Indonesians will know.
The whole list. None of it Malaysian, thank god.
Actually the bomb is mounted in a car along the Legian St., just outside the club. So happened that it burnt the club, thats what caused it.
What was left -the site of the club now...a car park area. From my humble observation, the area was the hottest spot there. It was a cross-road of lost of pubs & discos, no wonder stevie wonder.
Lepaking for a while to watch those surfers.

2. Check out the all-round BigMac packaging. 3. Fries. 4. Swirllllll drink caps.
* was shopping time!!!! (maklum la..duit gue tak guna lagi nih, heheh) 

Clockwise-1.Starbucks (our fav. lepaking site).
2-Polo...lots of Polo boutiques, sampai daku berabis jugak la kat sini..huhu..
3.Rip Curl-H target to serbu this if we'll here again next time..(god will)
4. Hard Rock Megastore-actually nothing much here, better check out the H.R's hotel's boutique.
While lepaking@ Starbucks. Checkout the busy background.
Hasil nyerrr....(baru part of nih..)
But outside the hotel, along the narrow road..gosh....ramai la hai maknusia...
Longing for this....gorgeous, aint it???
Ini je lahhh.....too bad, theres only XL & XXL left for my fav shirt above, sadiss....
So..bought this..
So..bought this..
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