Around Sukawati Market Place. Bargain, and bargain...i aint good in bargaining, Pak Supir pun tlg bargain sama. As long as dpt 50% is gud enuf for me.
Bought a set of that mosaics plate (far right) in white. Will post the pix later.
Stop for 'Nasi padang' lunch. Phewww..finally got a chance to taste nasi padang. It cost us RM100/- for the lunch... 'o' !!!. probably we touched so many lauks, haha, coz the rule is, once it is touched-its considered sold, mueheheh.. Our pak Supir nan tersenyum simpul...
Next- a visit to planet Hollywood.
Actually went there last nite, but was closed-it was 11pm at that time duh...
My cheeky angelsSi kenit tu saja je buat2 memacam pose tau, takmo nyer posing elok2. anyway, its cute..belasah je lah..
Then , theres one corner where artists sealed their kisses. There're Demi Moore, Susan Sarandon, Whoopie, Michelle Pieffer ..bla..bla..but suddenly i noticed one name...
Wow!!! its my favourite winona's!!!! Had no idea that she's been there too! This is really cool!! huye..huye..!!!! love ya! ('',)
After few shopping spree at Planet (few eh??), then we checked into 'Uluwatu'.
Uluwatu is where a temple by the cliff is located.
As we wore a long enuf pants, we are allowed to enter the temple without having to wear the sarongs provided by them. BUT, we need to wear a colorful sash (even our supir need to wear one).
All tied up & ready to go!
My cute Thumbelina - rear view.After few minutes of marching & huffing, we reach the far right side of the cliff.
Goshh..what a beautiful God's creation!!
Top left-F standing in the right side of the cliff; our first pit stop. The temple is located far behind her.
Top right-that was the far right end of the cliff. We were there earlier. I'd snap this shot fr. the far left corner of the cliff (imagine the sweat we've sworn?? hahah...but it was windy & all worth it!)
My angels again..on the right side of the cliff.(asyik teringat cliff richard je masa kat sini, heheh)
While walking towards the other end.
The far behind temple, after 18x zoom
We didnt really go to the temple as we need to join the crowd to watch the 'Kecak dance'.
Paid for entrance..errr..forgot how much (as usual, sbb pokcik yg bayo, maka daku tak ingat la kan), but T was definitely f.o.c. Could be somewhere around IDR50k each (think so)
So many versions of the summary of the dance info e.g. in Japanese, French, bla..bla..good effort! Dont be surprise there are few staff there, quite fluent in French & Japanese, tabik ah ngan korang nih.
Quite a sunny day, we're all got roasted while waiting for the dance to start. fyi, this dance dont need any musical instruments, just nyanyi 'cak..cak..cak' in rythmic all the way, till few of the tourists pun tergelak2..
H pulak buat jokes kata, dia ada member nama Cicak, member dia sure bangga giler if datang sini..muahahaaa.. aku takleh tahan, sampai tergelak kuat giler, mengong tol!.
Sunset at UluwatuThe show took almost 1 hour. It was quite boring in the beginning but it became more interesting towards the end. In short - memang best!
This is a must do in Bali, u'll never regret.
As usual..we're allowed to pose with the dancers after the show.
The girls with the 'Hanuman'...nak nyebok jugakkk.....
Hanuman is the best character amongst all. Exciting gitew...
We left Uluwatu & went to Wang Solo again for dinner. After a whole lot of tiring day, its time to pampering ourselves...
I chose for facial again, H with reflexology & the kids wif the manicure... Back to hotel at almost 11.30pm, penat tul la....
Salam, Azleena..
Pak Cik nak pergi Bali pada Januari 2010. Boleh berikan nama Supir dan no. Telnya.
Terima kasih.
Hi danil,
thanks for dropping by.
nama supir tu pak Aris, u boleh try call him at +6281 5583 20380
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