Halo there...
Hmmphh...didnt update my blog for quite a while it seems.
For the past 2 weeks, the broadband sucks, all the way!!! probably due to the school holidays, urrghhh..
(plus, i was busy with my Cafe World..yihaaa)
Here we are..December again...my fav part of the year..not only coz it was the holidayz mood, but it was full with birthdayz!!! yayyy!!! i have so many December babies around me..are u one of it?
Its my F's 10th year on earth.
My whole 9 mths went well, tho theres on & off disagreement with H, I still made it thru. Phewww...guess that was really a though phase.
Getting ready for our pilot run??..damn challenging, lots of testings & UATs, re-org, thus lots of things to be signed-off...hahah ('',)
Delivered her at APSH at around 11.30am. The pain started around 7am & it became worst at ard 10am..after 3 die hard push..there she comes...welcome my sweetie baby.
But she was sweett..in addition, she's quite fair, so it was like looking at an angel of mine.
Its quite challenging for us. When she was still a baby, F cant stand any hot and stuffy surroundings. We have to excuse ourself from attending any wedding yg open air...she cant stand the sweat. She has the eczema, and it was quite severe..huhu.
Later on, when she was 3+, she's experienced conjuntivitis. At first, she was just a playing ard with her cousin when suddenly something poke into her eyes.
From there on, she started rubbing her eyes & I guess it got infected, huhu...
She's still under treatment, till today..sometimes the school might be calling me..coz her eyes started to sore at school..then, daddy got to rushed back..appointment with doctors..etc..etc..basically, doktor2 in my neighborhood memang la dah kenal dgn dia ni.
I really got no time for yr birthday party darling, unlike last year, we are so busy with many things around us at the moment.
Above, from left, T, F, cousin baby D & cousin E.
Thanx to my sil for the small cake. Requested a small one, we havent buy the fridge yet..hahah.
And thanx to all for kind enuf to spend a nite at our new hse, eventho takde katil lagi..heh.
Our card for F
note-her pyjama is pink, but was bought long ago. Now ni, jgn harap nak beli baju2 or brg2 yg pink.
Present for her...
ahh..i juz dont care..beli aje..taknak kalu, mummy nak.
My beloved girl
She helps me a lot, particularly everything!..ambik itu..ambik ini..switch off itu, ini..bla..bla..
Thanx sweetie pie...(sbb tu la kasik present, hehe)
Happy birthday my love...
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