We have 3 December girls in the family.
Myself, F and my lil sis.
Her's was on 17th Dec, but we decided to celebrate the makan2 on 18th instead, as it is a public holiday- Awal Muharram (buku baru youuu...)
Got nowhere to go as it was a last minute plan.
Just went to Aeon Au2 nearby...
as we're quite late, just rush-up to KFC je..as some of resto dah nak tutup, huhu..
Collage for the event. Sek soo-->far right.
Kanak2 ribena yg hadir that nite.
Atuk with baby Dhiya
(why sek soo??? becoz...T pronounced it as such, where it suppose to be 'cik su', ghee)
Nak tambah citer lagi.
Yesterday, Malaysia won the final football SEA games against Vietnam.
I rushed back & went to KLCC with the hopes the Starbucks or Dome will have the match on, even it is not a wide screen, a small screen will do (wahhh..patriorik nye haku)
Damn...not of KLCC's outdoor's cafe have a any screen..damnn...
think..think a.j...then finally..snap!! why dont try Chili's?
Bravo..there I was..watched the game on a small screen from Chili's entrance. Bukan apa..nak makan/minum, I was alone at that time..boring la plak. Then, even if I got my seat, belum tentu dpt yg nampak t.v...tau je la tahap 'kepadatan' Chili's tu.
Baik la haku melangak je kat situ sambil berdiri (yg paling depan lak tu...wahh semangatnya!!!)
It was 0-0 until the 70th minute when a large crowd started behind me...crowds became bigger by the 80th minute..then..by 85th minute..Goal!!!! yahooo....
As usual..aku kan fanatik tak hengattt..tak sedor terlompat2 kat situ with other crowds..in and outside Chili's..hahah...sib baik tak terhug2 sekali org2 kat sebelah gue..hehe.
Fuhhh..tak sesia makcik menepek kat situ. Menang beb...
Whatever it is, congratulations to Malaysia f/ball team U-23. u guys did a good job.
20 tahun memendam rasa tu bai.....
(what an outdated updated, huh)
Couldnt wait for the World Cup next year...hmmm...must make sure I'll be on leave a day after the finals..haha.
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