Lots of happenings..but I just dont have the time to update.
Here are some backdated happenings.
The reno work for NP has completed since we came back from Bali.
I've started uploading few of my dine sets to the new hse, and few other kitchenware that I dont really need. At least, kurang sikit brg2 at our condo.
Visited the hse almost on every weekend. Lots need to be cleaned-up & gotta buy all the curtains..huhu...bought it ready made..tak kuasa nak tempah2.
Lucky T, daddy bought her a new bike, the bigger the better, haha.
girls posing
At one of the day, I cooked nasi lemak & brought it to NP.
yummy..yummy...and leave my rice cooker there. Next time, nak masik nasik pun sonang.
The main reason for the kids to be there..apalagi...nak berendam la kan..
Ber-jam2 duduk dlm bilik air.
And about a week ago, invited my parents, sis & bro to the new hse.
Our first night there, baca yassin & makan2, along with F's birthday.
T with cousin E
the 2 girls, posing again.
Cousin E is 6 mth younger than T, but they're almost the same size rite?
Uncle melayan anak2 buah with the remote car.
And here baby D early in the morning...comeinyerr...dgn peha bak ayam goreng...huhu..rasa nak geget.
-pardon me, i'm just damn lazy to write-
ala, tak bley curik gambar plak dah.cmna nak cuci nih?
nak pic ke? by email bleh?
ya..ya sila email gambar yg comei sahaja.tenkiyu berimac.
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