My one fine day of the year.
This was actually in November when we went to visit NP.
November was the month where it would be raining, almost everyday.
While H was busy with the contractor, i'm off to the playground with the kids. It was around 2.30pm then, but the weather was really good, its all cloudy and windy..what a good day out.

I could sat all day was very unusual for me to experience sumting like this; its cooling, windy, no sweat and no people around us, thus it was sooo relaxing.

Damn...i dont bring my book along.
Lucky I got my camera with me, so i dont get darn bored.
My angels

Just wanna share how the beautiful weather gave impact to my photos.
Hmmm..the luminosity did provides excellent results for my pics. Just my wild guess, but anyway, the owner must have known her pic better rite?
Hmmph..F really needs a hair cut which she refused to do so.

Happily jumped here and there and moved on from one ride to another, since no one there, except us!

From far end of the tunnel.

Muka-muka kanak2 riang yg dpt main play ground di tgh hari.

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