Monday, September 8, 2008

Last Sunday

Last Sunday, when outing activities is not that popular (as we're fasting), we're just stay at home, doing some house chores (of coz its me..sighh...)
Decide to sharpen my cooking skill by doing some cupcakes...As easy as 1,2,3..
So, here’s the result, the cakes, before masuk oven.
F of coz the most happiest gal.
Happily helping me to decorate the cupcakes...while I sneak in for my wifi break.
Actually, its for T’s birthday, as it falls on fasting month, there’s not much we can do.


nap time...

Decide to berbuka at mum’s. Same goes to my brothers, in fact we’re all gathered there last Sunday.

Here are the bunch of cousins…all girls….girls powerrrr!!!!

Eh, wait….there’s a newly arrived boy over here….(my bro’s son). His name is Adam Irfan. He's about 2 months old.

Welcome aboard, wonder how its like when u’re surrounded by girls..siap la..sure kena buli..heheh…

Other treats that nite Chese cake by my sis-in-law Went to sahur at McDonald's (ada ke org cam we all ek?)

Video of T


Nad said...

Amboi amboi tengok tu ... dia rajin masak sebenarnya ...

Crazypixie said...

ala..masak mende2 bodo jek...
kira dah rajin abes la ni..ahaks