F and her cousin.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Family Day
F and her cousin.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Mission Accomplished!
Its time to redeem all of my hardwork (hmm..rajin sangat ler tuh…).

Mine is no.36, haiyo..belum panas montot, my part already done..so, have to wait for all other students till number 500+..huh..such a bored. snap few pics and ntah baper kali i force myself to zzz..buhsan sihhh...

Time for MIT song. Hmm..wonder how i can still recall this song. As usual, time to recall those beautiful dayz.

Kiddies waiting for mumy. Pity them as they can only wait outside. They arrive with H pretty late, biasala nak kejutkan they all ni satu hal. They missed to watch me. tak kesah la...
Posing time....
With mem n boss, sis and kiddies.
How can this dude finally accomplish her mission ek??? wow, this miracle!!!
With someone that I pernah paksa to do & check my assignment. Always hope that he will do me ONE complete assignment. Hah!, dream on, tak pernah nya nak buat my assignment, just help to touch up here n there, grrrr....sabor..sabor...
Yup, but I am still 'me'. Nothing can change that.
Freestyle time!!!!!
ma bebeh...
macam biasa ku lihat tempat ini...
There's a booth for caricature...semua la nak try...
T's...cartoon in the making
look the same???
F's...in the making finally....