Monday, November 17, 2008

Busy dayz

On leave today. Gotta go to Shah Alam.
Lucky H came back earlier so that he can accompany me.
Left F at my mum's and T with my babysitter and make way to Shah Alam. Had our breakfast there.
Went to MIT to register for my convo and to take the robe, car stickers and other things for my convo. Sighh..lots of people.
So much relief when H is around as he can help to wait in the car. As usual, there's large crowd, so, there's nowhere to park the car.
Need to que for 1 hour just to register to get my robe. Aduhh..lenguh pinggang achik. Lots and lots of students as nowadays even the diploma student will wear their robe unlike my zaman tuk-kaduk. We dont have to go there before our convo and me as usual, dont even bother to come for the rehearsal.
Still can remember when mum tempah baju kurung for me when me on the other hand never bother 'bout that, and i dont even know that kena buat baju baru for convo, hahah..
The surroundings. Those students are busy talking 'bout applying for jobs..where to stay, bla..bla..rasa macam kesian pun iye...coz remembering I was once been in their shoe. Somehow all those memories flash...hmm..if I can just turn back the time...
Just wore t-shirt n jeans that day, and due to my size, it makes me no difference from jugak tu..
room to take our robe. Took the 'M' size...H is not around when i try the robe, back home, dia kata its too big for me as if i'm wearing the robe naked. Haha...
pilih..pilih...those colours refers to your course.
Then, move on to a shopping complex nearby Concorde. H bought as many PS2 games as he wants. Bought 2 pairs baju kurung, thanks H.
Then, went to Ampang Point as I want to buy another baju kurung. Went there, had our lunch and bought the baju that I want.
Huh...things are all damn smooth without the kids. We can complete our shopping and lunch within 1 hour.
So much freedom without any hasstle...hmmm..lega betul....
H wanted to go for a Thai massage untuk betul kan urat2 yg tersimpul during his fishing trip. I am not that keen for the massage, i need a facial actually.
But since they told us that the facial need to be done elsewhere, just accept the massage offer.
So, both of us spend about 1 hour for the Thai massage...I dont really like it as it hurts..aduh...sakit urat2 belikat and sayap daku...kuat betul la makcik tu urut.
Keep on asking her to go slow..too bad they dont speak english. So I dont even know if she can ever understand what I've told her...
Tiring off-day, yet so much missions accomplished.

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