Fairy has just finished her final exam, so we decided to lepaking sumwhere.. Its been a while that we hadn't overnite sumwhere.
As it is just for over a weekend, we decide to just check-out for Port Dickson... dekat, so it wont be that tiring.
Sad to say, actually lagoon tu tak leh mandi pun...huhu...buat perhiasan aje rupanya..punya la frustrated...
the room is just so-so...think that it's actually suit the price for normal rate..but apakan daya...now is peak season already...what u pay is not necessary what u'll get, huhu...
Well, its just for a nite, so long it is air-conditioned, with hot shower and can be lock from inside, it is gud enuf.
Its drizzling when we checked-in. So all of us decided to splurge for spa, hehe..
inside the spa
reflexology anyone???
those herbs
I choose the body massage, lulur and mangir, F pun nak join, so she choose the lulur and milk bath. H opt for massage - kurik angin. He needs to wait awhile, to wait for tukang urut lelaki.
Inside the treatment room.
F, while waiting for the lulur. Gambo gue mana boleh letak....mau retak screen ni kut, haha..
Masa F mandi susu, si kenit pon sebok nak join kakak nye. So, both end-up berendam in the tub, enjoying their milk bath. Bising jangan cakap la,.. lucky the lady masseur is quite sporting and tak kesah with kids.
Well, we felt so fresh after those treatment...best nyerrr...
thanks H...spending so much for us..tq...
After the spa, kids started to dusyummm!!!!
First, hold your leg this way...

then, u pull it up this way and float on your back.
I bet all adults up there is struggling doing this. Only me can master this, as i have shorter legs, hehe...
dah penat mandi...lapar la pulak...
the beach

the only pic of me during the trip, cheiss..lupa nak posing,
typically lazy of us. We dine at corus's - buffet. Well, due to tight economics, foods offered for buffet are just to meet the requirement..hmm...jadi lahhh...rezeki ni, a.j....
Next morning, breakfast, then lepaking at the beach. Its drizzling. Pic is in H's hp..malas nak download.
After lepaking, back to our room, packing, and we checked-out at abot. 11.30am.
Posing2 around Corus.
Thanks H, for all the leisure and pleasure.
H is someone that really patience with the kids, would bring them anywhere, buy anything (reasonable), and can do anything with the kids, he wont mind.
Hmmm, cannot imagine marrying sumone who allergic to kids...gheee, how would it be???
Ko ni mmg suka makan angin, jeles aku. Bestnya spa, lagi aku jeles.
sekali-sekala beb...boleh ar....
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