Thursday, November 20, 2008

3rd Amazing Race Asia - The Finale

Its the Amazing Race Asia again!
This time the kick-off and final pit stop are both in Thailand.
Love watching all the Amazing Races. Guess I love the adrenalin flows and kind of tasks that are given to them. The challenges and the way they solve and champion it.
The Team
The Champ : Sam & Vince from Hong Kong
Malaysia send 2 couples.
The buddies, Ida & Tania and bro/sis, Henry & Bernie.
Ida & Tania finished 3rd. Congrates u guys.
Being the coolest and funniest couple, u guys have proven that Malaysian girls are 'coooool"..heheh...
Henry and Bernie. They're smart and was seen as the main competitor, not until the Philipines yielded them.

Anyhow, Malaysian girls won the 1st ARA, being the first ever girls team to win the Amazing Race. And as for the 2nd ARA, Malaysia girls won the 2nd place and the 3rd ARA, AGAIN, the GIRL team secured the 3rd place. C'mon..wut happen to the guyz???
4th ARA???? finished fourth??? hehe....

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