Had our family day - Saiyah Family Day.
Venue: Agrotek Eco Resort, Ulu Langat
Date: 29th to 30th No. '08.
Participants: 4 generations of Said and Yah
The room is quite nice. Check out the balcony.
Upon reaching there...what else.....dusyum time!!!!
..and this girl, tho its just a small space with the sand, she still insist to build her sand castle...apa-apa ajelah nak oi.....
Lepas mandi, got a tea break and after that, its time for the...telematchhhh!!!
I'm in rumah merah, H-biru & F-kuning.
Refuse to participate this time as I dont bring any sports attire.
F and her cousin.
rebut cepatttt!!!!
Eleh, ciput nyerrr...
H taking part in 'terompah gergasi' challenge.
F and her cousin.
F, ready to go..
Gotta posing from tersungkur ke bumi..hahah..
Bro Salyo. Aik, tak gi training sehati berdansa kerrr?

The turning part is the most challenging
Kiri..kanan...kiri..kanan...dari depan...cepat tergolek!!! tergolek at one row..huarghhh..rugi tak dpt snap the momento.
exciting faces
my darling..the same posing, each time
Dengar instruction betul2...actually org2 tua nyer yg ter-over excited. Memasing wanna make sure their team won.
F in action...ehh, tertinggal lak bola nih.

cepat!!! cepat!!! the normal cheer since our schooling dayz.
eeee..sure bau bola tu tahap tak hengat punyerrr...ahaks
Granny paling sporting
Most funniest and challenging game.

Isi air dlm batang paip yang bocor hehe..lawak giler...
yg tutup lubang pakai kepala pun ader...asal boleh lar...
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