At about 3pm, we went to Giant for some fresh foods. My bro will be coming this evening. Thanks god both girls are well mannered..kalo tak..pening wo....
Actually they are not that mischievous, its just that they’ll be accident prone if they start to run here and there...anything will possibly happen, that’s why I need to avoid those stuff (jgn nak menambah kan kerja daku..tak kosa…).
Bro came at about 6pm with his wife n doter…then all the kids went to swimming pool with my bro.
Only few pics…via my hp as H brought the camera…terrible pics as kids kept on moving..couldn’t get a nice shot.
Cook grilled lamb and fettucine cabonara for dinner..as always, F love those grill lambs. Nanti mummy masak lagi k…..
On Sunday, we’re all just stayed at home. Kids with their games, me with my tv, pc and house chores…baru la rasa aman damai nak tengok tv….
Ops, forgot to mention, I spent almost half of the day to play “Katamari”…(actually since the night before).. sampai sakit2 my left thumb..hhahahah…ganaz tak daku punya tahap main game….Actually my bro bought that game…dah lama tak main game tuh…hehhe…
H reaches home at around 1am. He suppose to spend 3 days there, but they came back early as the weather is not that good; they’ve been sleeping in the rain…muahahahha..and there’s no fish either..untuk tidak balik dengan tangan kosong, his troop went to a lake nearby Gopeng there and manage to get some talapia…
H as usual, just bring back those pics only…and I don’t even bother as we don’t eat those fresh water fish.
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