And kids has start schooling on the Wednesday itself-where they'd missed Monday & Tuesday.
The girls- pipi sampai merah2, coz sojuk.
Then asked them:
Korea project is on? their answer: no..dont want lah, too cold, cant enjoy much.
hmmm...tau pun..(selamat mummy & daddy, ..hehe)
views of the snowhouse from outside
In short: takde la syok apa pun...theres a slide in there..tapi, tak kosa la haku nak layan..
Terus heading for the theme park- indoor & outdoor, hmm dah almost 5pm++ masa nih, such a waste.. its quite late, but still purchase both indoor & outdoor park.
Coz some of outdoor park's rides are till around 8pm.
Kids enjoying their rides
Mak/pak pun nyibuk gak...
Looking at belows pic-now only i'd realize: why the h#@* i must take on this ride?Actually nak temankan si kenit, but cant i just let her go with her sis? she's quite big now; dedulu masa baby ok la temankan dia, but now? hmm...
********** The pirate ship
Took this ride with F. We sat on the 2nd row from the edge. (actually i wanted the 3rd row-less scary, but seat was taken).
So, nak test my ability to handle the 'scare' la ni kan? Result is..haiyoo....memang gayat giloss....rasa macam nak jerit - hoi..stop this!!!
haha..for few first 6 swings, we enjoyed it, jerit2 up to max.
Sampai the max swings, gayat pun ada, takut pun ada..tapi memang gayat gak la...
my F keep on screaming " i'm shaking..i'm shaking!!"
Gabra gak gue, takut demam lak budak ni kang. So, me end up, malas nak jerit2 dah. Buhsan,,,coz swing lama, plus risau with F lagik. Actually, tak la gayat mana, solero shot lagi gayat kut...
kenit nye budak ni...
Ferris wheel is a must (tahap buhsan dah naik ni)
Antique car
(another buhsan rides-ni la dia, if pegi ngan kanak2 ribena...just accept the fact, ye)
Fogs - at nite
Dah puas outdoor, indoor lak.
Rasanya mau berpuluh round si kenit ni main bumper car.
Not many kids, so, after kuar je from the car, queue again for the next ride, again & again...macam tu la bebudak...ramai giler yg kegirangan.. And, for mak/pak, ada bumper car for adults.
Naik gak, but i just dont fancy it much. Buhsan je, bawak keta betul lagi best rasanya...tapi bab 'gedegang-gedegang' tu best gak ah..hehe...coz normally- if bawak keta, mana leh sesuka ati langgar worang?
Another indoor ride And, indoor coaster
Finally..this is quite fun, wheeeee....
F took on few rides, coz not many people...furthermore its 11pm++, of coz la dah tak ramai org.
Then, back to hotel & zzz.....the next day, breakfast & back home right away..