These 2 weeks are all messed-up.
It was like, everything were at this moment, at this hour..at this time!.
Gosh..it was hard. I was damn busy till I'd loss my appetite..hmm..sounds good eh?
Well...during these 2 weeks, it was when H decided to let go of our cars, decided for a new car..nak carik keta utk dibeli lagi satu hal.
Then, as usual, purchasing documents for the purchase, is another story. On top of that, i need to transfer the registartion no. from my motorbike to my car..huhu...
And, this is when I need to go for my long leave. As usual, i'll finished up all my assignments as far as I could so that I can hand it to others for review/sign-off.
So, keje cam robot ar for the past 2 weeks.
Plus, theres a newbie, occupying the seat in front of me, so, kena la jadi cikgu la pulak kan?
Mana nak kejar keje sendiri...nak ajar lagi..bla..bla..bla..
Then, an old friend slipped into comma, i'd rushed to Seremban at 8pm and coming back to KL, then 'business as usual' on the next day. With the kids going to school and what not.
Plus, need to packed up things for the kids as they will stay with my mother in law for about a week.
Plus, need to packed up things for the kids as they will stay with my mother in law for about a week.
Yang tak leh tahan tu, time daku nak packing & nak balik kampung, dan-dan tu balck out..tak ke hampeh nama nyer tu..huhu..
So, we packed our things in the dark. nasib baik baju2 dah siap, tinggal nak masuk kan the accessories & et-cetera je...berpeluh2 jgn cakap la kan...tak kira..mandi jugak dlm gelap.
The main thing that contribute to all these...is because, i'm off to Ldn/paris next week.
The main thing that contribute to all these...is because, i'm off to Ldn/paris next week.
In fact, we'll leave tomorrow-just me & H.
I've been busy browsing the hotels, eurostar..the online tickets...etc..phewww....tak larat sih..
I've been busy browsing the hotels, eurostar..the online tickets...etc..phewww....tak larat sih..

Tho its just for a week or so, daku yg cembeng tetap leleh dlm keta when its time for us to leave. Looking into my babies' eyes...ow my...it was all heavy-hearted.
Luckily kids wont mind leaving with my m.i.l, coz they'll be surrounded with their cousins.
They didnt even cried when we leave.
As for T, i knew that she dont know that we'll be away for quite a while. I bet she thots, we wont be around just for a nite, poor girl...
I'm gonna miss you girls...huhu..
Btw, tonite, just now..time daku nak packing, time tuuuuu la nak blackout..boikot ke apa?hehe
But now, all are back to normal.
I need my sleep..I need a goood sleep...i need my energy.
It was all almost 2 weeks of energectic-exhausted weeks, just hope I'm able to explore ldn/prs.
To my fren in Paris....tungguu......I'll reach Paris on Thursday, insyaallah.
Malangnya not yet spring, else boleh la daku berposing dgn tulip2 mu itu kan..tak sabar nak jumpa si kenit tu..
Just hope that we're gonna have a safe & hassle-free journey. aminn...
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