Ok..lets ove on to Day 2 where the real journey begins..(chewahhh).
(lambatnya nak continue...it took me 2 days to upload pics k...takde masa lah)
Most importantly: Make sure U meet the queen before U start the day.
Ok..did the queen smiles? If yes, its time to made move then.
On day 2 and 3 I am basically touring London on my own as H got his conference & award ceremony (this is the best part...haha..I have my own sweet time & my own feet to go anywhere..."I'm free to be whatever I, whatever I want.." eh, teringat lagu Oasis lak)
Places to visit today:
1. To drop by at Kensington Gardens - just to smell the fresh morning air.
2. Notting Hill
3. Covent Garden
4. Hard Rock London
5. Regent St./Oxford St.
Ok...let's jom!!!
Kensington Gardens
The garden can be considered as part of the Royal Garden.
As the name goes, Kensington Palace was once be Princess Diana official residence not long ago. Will share more on the garden's info in my other posting.
Beautiful cottage once we enter the garden. ***
The Italian Fountain
Dont throw anything other than the dog waste, k.

Took train from Lancaster Gate to Notting Hill Gate. BTW, after 9.30am, the daypass will cost us only 5.60pds (approx. RM29).
Told ya...u wont lost in London.
This was where I'm heading to.
Spot this lovely shop
Some of the lovely item. I'll share more on my other blog.
Shops around Portobello.

Ow, I'm at Notting Hill? all the sudden my head keep on spinning Ronan Keating's 'When U Say Nothing At All" all the way!!!
Walked passed by all these houses.
The feeling was awesome!! It was all mixed of calm, joy, fresh and peaceful.
Walked passed by all these houses.
Perhaps coz there're not so many people around as I'm quite early.

Rows of colorful houses in Notting Hill.
Above all places in London, I love the feeling of being here the most. 
Rows of artsy shops while I'm on the way to Portobello Market.

Somehow or rather, those things can also bought back in Mesia, so why should i waste (nak sedap kan hati..huhu)
Batu sambal on displayed glass?? 
Then, I spot this shop I'd never expected. oww...I love Cath Kidston..yahoo!!!
Then, I spot this shop I'd never expected. oww...I love Cath Kidston..yahoo!!!
So...this is why it is called -Portobello market.
I believe theres a Sunday market which will be more lively.
Shops around Portobello.
Fresh produces on sale by the roadside. It was all fresh!
Next, I took train to Holborn for interchange, before heading to....
Covent Garden

The underground station
Did u spot Jack Sparrow?
The Covent Garden Market
Other interests nearby
Theres also the 'Apple Market' where it sells handicraft item, Crabtree/Evelyn's boutique, organic shops, etc.The market's interior.

Not until a guy offered to snap my pic, thanx eh.

The Wellington Arch
Hyde Park is actually at far end of Kensington Gardens where I can just walk back to my hotel. But sorry..kaki ku dah mintak ampun dah...furthermore, why the waste of time.
In Covent Garden Mkt
I love this stall selling dried flowers
Unique cigar shoppe's sign
other shops nearby
Ni la jadi nya if amek pic sorang2..(thanx him & lepas tu, cepat2 blah. Belum sempat dia bukak mulut, aku dah kaleh tempat lain & chow without looking back..ha ha..tak kosa nak wat sesi interbiu la)
Transport Museum
Ok, its bout 3pm by now, it'll be dusk by 6p.m. I'd better off to Hard Rock
Took train to 'Hyde Park Corner'.
Hyde Park

Across the street is the Hard Rock Cafe London.
yuhuuu!!!!!!! (muka penat merayap)
The merchandise store is just across the small street next to HRC.
Rimas pun ada, sebab ramai nau, plus, its passed office hour by now, so i guess that caused it.

Actually I wanted to go to the 'Liberty'

Inside & around Liberty

The Carnaby street
Flowers for sale at the Liberty's entrance

Damn it, they only open the ground floor & sealed the rest due to private function and this will be till somewhere it April.
Phewww...this is so frustrated.
Flowers in Marks & Spencer-for sale of course.

The Carnaby street
All in all, the whole experience was damn cool.
Besides just talking to strangers, I'm ok tho I was alone, it just me maybe.
But it was quite bored to keep my mouth shut the whole day..errr..I dont really fancy this,haha.
Back to Kensington Gardens when it is almost dusk
Back to Kensington Gardens when it is almost dusk
(umpama burung pulang ke sarang la kan?).
So, here's how Kensington Garden looks at dusk. This is nearly 6p.m.
So, here's how Kensington Garden looks at dusk. This is nearly 6p.m.
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