And today...its the 1st day of spring!! Spring has sprung, how lovely...
Lets peek out of our hotel's window.
The building is the 'London hotel', and next to it, where u can see people walking by- is the area for the entrance of the St. Lazare station (Gare St. Lazare).
Next- buffet breakfast..for 10 euros (RM40.60) each- do not convert, haha;
for the breads and cereal.

We decided to took the 'tour bus' which cost us 24eur.
First, need to walk to the nearby tourist spot coz the bus will pass by there. The nearest spot is 'La Madelein'.
Pics while we're on our way. Its about 9am, & ppl were on their way to work.
Follow je signboard 'madeleine' tu..
Most of the shops havent started their business yet.
Pantang jumpa florist-harus ku menempek for posing.

Finally...we're at the madeleine.

Took the bus there, & pay the billet(ticket) to the driver.

Sojuk la jugak, early morning lak tu. Still not many people in the bus.

Thats the bus-in green

Our 1st pit-stop:
Musee de Louvre (musee-pronounce as 'moozay'-
lebih kuranglah..)
At first, its quite unbelievable. How can I reach here? when i'd always joke with my fren & boss'bout visiting de Louvre , of coz sebab being influenced by the 'Da Vincci Code'.
Macam tak caya lak haku...ada butul ka ini??? ngeh ngeh ngeh...
Utk memastikan daku tidak bermimpi, maka haruslah ku 'touch' itu piramid, keh keh keh..

ok..ok...betul i know this is reality..
Err...Welcome to 'Musee de Louvre'. I'm your tourist guide for the day...
haha...aku rela kalo dpt jadi tourist guard kat sini..
The to be 'Robert Langdon' & 'Sophie Neveu'
-tapi tak jadi jugak la...coz takleh ckp francais, hehe-

-fountain next to the pyramid, which i'd never expected-
Views around the musee.
Too bad I cant enter the museum, else, we'll ran out of time.
Waited for the bus again, then we hop off at 'Notre Dame's' pit stop. Bukan sebab nak gi N.Dame, tapi sebab haku ternampak lovely shops & nurseries..gheee...
-on of the signboard there-
If am not mistaken , this is one of a government office. cant really recall, tapi rasanya mcm court of justice, i think so lah.

-one of the Metro entrance-

-Lets peek into the nurseries there-
How lovely...rasa macam taknak balek...huhu....

It was all green..& colouful, how could I resist???

hatinya yg berbunga2...

Adoreeeeee this shop.
Beli jugak few things, & H bought for me a transaparent musical box, with the song 'La vie en rose'. Lovely..tenkiu..

the surrounding views...

Then, we hop to the bus again.
Views while we're on tour.

spot the Eifel tower?

hmm..Paris was so magnifique!!!

We hop off at
Champs Elysees
melepek kat boutique Peugeot jap.

Obviously the road along Champs Elysees was the most busiest
(Yg daku sempat nampak la ari tu..tak tau la if ada road yg lagi worst)
The famous LV boutique.

We hop on again to reach the
Arch de Triumph
H wanted to go up there. If not mistaken, the ticket is for 9eur. But then, since we need to catch-up on time, tak jadilah. Lucky we're not, kena panjat tangga tu..adehhh...sure la buang maso...

BTW, theres an underground tunnel for us to reach the Arch. Malas nak post the pics.
It was around 12noon, we hop on again, & this time, straight to Eifel Tower.

H really-really wanted to go here. Can see how exciting he is.
Punya lah ramai umat....
We que for almost an hour. Itupun, we opt for naik tangga punya. With the lift, I think the que is doubled than the staircase. Punya la lenguh berdiri.
Tu yg maleh nak ajak my fren for the tour, sure dia akan buhsan menunggu we all, sian taw...
We all takpe la, once in lifetime, beratur pun, tak kesahla nyah...

While beratur, my girls call, & nangis2 tanya when I'll be back. Haduss....takleh la dengar sogha depa nangis...haku pun terleleh sama..huhu...
But, when I asked again nangis teruk ke, kakak kata: takla...kejap je..huh, lega...
While climbing the staircase.

Sib baik la daku ni memang jenis yg lulus ujian stamina.
So, I still can stand climbing the staircase, tho dah kembang2 lubang idung. Sib baik sejuk, kalo kat Mesia ni, sure dah basah2 baju nih.
Views from the 1st stop.

The Palaise de Chaillot after 18x zoom

Drop by at the resto there for a bite.

Ada bunga lagi..harusss.......

Then, another staircase to the 2nd level.
Views from 2nd level (but i've zoom-in most of it)
-Paris's modern buildings-

Musee de Orsay (if am not mistaken)

Musee de Louvre
Finally, we got the chance to use the lift!! yayyy.
Akan tetapi, perutku semakin kecut & darah menyirap when those besi2 semakin meruncing. Well, u know, Eifel kan meruncing at the higher part, so kecut la jugak perut when we're far away from the base.
At last, we're at the peak!
View from afar

-ada jugak...hmm I'm 10,433km away from my babies...-

I can feel the tower bergoyang2 jugak whenever theres a wind. Seriau jugak, tapi..tak la takut sangat.
Views are magnificient! Can view the whole of Paris & the town's structure.
About going down? yes, theres a lift to bring us down till the ground level.
Me & H both opted not to went up there again, hehe.
Cukup2 la...memang best, tapi nak beratur tu..waduhh...
Muka puas ati, coz finally managed to went up there.
Yayyy!! we did it bebeh!!

Theres a plan to meet up with my fren. But eventually it was cancelled as she's not feeling that well.
Its ok for me, plus I dont wanna interrupt her daily routine just because nak temankan we all. Well, u know, bukan senang nak kesana-sini with the kids.
I guess only parents will understand this. As for us, the trip was all smooth without many hassle.
Bukan taknak bawak, but with them, it will cost us the 'time'. Kids, as usual, penat la..nak gi toilet la...nak beli itu ini...& u can end up entertaining them & less time for the tour.
As we've been here, probably can bring the kiddos after this when theres not so much to explore in the future (of coz we can skip the Eifel, hehe).
So, the plan was cancelled & we rushed to Versailles. We went down from Eifel at almost 4pm. Just imagine, punya la lama spent time at the Eifel.
This is where I'd really wanted to visit besides the Louvre.
We took the RER & it took us 'bout 45mins to reach there (sempat la nak rileks kan kaki & pinggang)
-views on the way-


Chateau De Versailles

It is the bekas istana where Marie Antoinette & King Louis were also once lavishly lived here.
S*#@#!!!, We were late by 15mins. The counter was just closed; it was 5.15pm..sighh....i thot i read s/where, it is close at 6pm, huh,
Frustnye..but anyway, we can walk around the castle's huge garden.

See...the garden was so huge, saujana mata memandang. I wonder how it looks in spring, it would be all lovely & lively!

Then, back to paris again. It was 'bout 7pm when we reach paris (nearby Eifel)
Waited for the hop on/off bus, tarak pun...
Borak with the other tourists, theyall pun suspect the bus nyer route dah abes i.e. the last one is at 4.30pm...hmmm..sabor je la...
Ingatkan till malam, or ticket can valid for 24hrs macam kat London, chaiss..
fyi, the red bus (Lafayette's) is until malam, next time, hop on the red bus (not the green one).
Then, I wanted to wait for the Eifel tower to light-up; it would be so beautiful. Pokcik H taknak la its drizzling, katanya..adoyaiii....I'm right at the feet of eifel masa tu....huhu...
So, we took metro to Hard Rock Cafe.

Memborong la sesikit...
Chilling nite.

Musee de Gravin, just nearby HRC.

Ini macam Madamme Tussauds la jugak...tak masuk pun, coz dah around 8pm masa nih.
From HRC, we all menapak balik ke hotel.
Adoyai.. tersesat2, plus daku dah maleh nak tgk map.
It was just nearby, but somehow, we are at times, navigated away from the right route.
Maka, start la tanya2 org & I found that the French was not so bad at all with their english.
But of coz daku tak tanya yg tuo2...tanya yg muda2 je..
Sudahnya, we all take a bus, senang!
Tak tau tambang baper, so we just show the driver few coins. He cant communicate in english, but the good thing is, he just return whichever extra coins.
Bagus kan??, jujur...eventho non-muslim.
Cuba kat Mesia ni, rasanya if jenis penipu tu, sure dah pau all the money that tourists gave them. Tapi maybe bukan suma camtu, ye dak..
Ok, so we reach St.Lazare safely, ate kebab at nearby resto & back to hotel to zzz...
phew...what a day....tapi memang la best...except for the part i missed the versailles tu, huhu...
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