Here we are in day 4.
(lambatnya update...& its a way of resfreshing those memories I suppose, eheh).
We started our day early...woke up around 4.45a.m i think. Tapi ku mandi jugak...i just dont care, hot shower kan ada....apa adehal..
We need to catch 1st tube from Lancaster to Kings Cross St. Pancras. The 1st tube will arrive at 5.45am, i think so. If we missed it, next train will only arrive 20 mins later.
Maka, dalam kesejukan, daku dah check-out from hotel. Lucky the tube is just next door. Its about to sunrise at 5.30am, ala-ala 7am kat sini.
We managed to catch the 1st tube, so we arrived at Kings Cross St.Pancras at around 6a.m. Quite surprised, coz quite a number of people in the train also tau.
It was still all quite there..
H went to redeem our Eurostar ticket which was purchased online. was just 6.15am,tapi dah terang.

Hmm.. i miss those moment while waiting for the Eurostar.
Btw, the immigration off. is french, so, me & H dah tersengih2 to each other...lets expect the worst..haha...
Again, while in Eurostar, all announcement are in french, followed by english. If takde announcement in english, jgn harap sepatah haram we all nak faham. Cuma pakai agak2 & buat assumption sendiri je la kan...
The Eurostar
We depart at 6.55am (London time)
Menu in Eurostar

Pekena hot choc lagik...errmm..sodap...& chips.
Views along the way. This is in France. Views are magnificient. Spot a kandang kuda, sheep...beautiful. I wonder how it would be during spring. Sure cantik giler.

Once we're about to reach the destination.

Check out those graffities. It was along almost every walls here.
Yayy!!! I'm in France finally!!!
This is unbelievable!!
(anor, if u read this, jgn kutuk gue k...mmg daku jd jakunese jap)
-muka lepas turun tren; ingat nak tido thru the journey sbb dah bangun awal, hampes...tak dpt nak tido pun-
We arrived at Gare Du Nord at around 10am (Paris's time).
The journey took about 2 hours. Btw, France is earlier than London for 1 hour.

From Gare Du Nord, we need to go to Hausmann St. Lazare Metro.
Purchase a 1 day ticket for 9uero (est. RM41++) each.
Ingat!!!! do not convert, or u maybe end-up crying. I converted it here just for my record only, masa beli, dont ever try to convert the amount!
Berpusing2 jugak la we all masa kat Gare Du Nord. As we just arrived, I cant really catch up with the France's train system. We need to know the diff. btw RER & Metro & also how to read their maps. 
It seems quite complicated & the directions to choose the right station were also quite confused, probably coz GDN is quite a big station & its our 1st time. I dont find any difficulties in other station thereafter.
In addition, ramainya pak/mak tam kat underground ni...takut pun ada, yg mintak sedekah pun ada. And the metro, maap la cakap, tp bau memang la tidak menyenangkan...huhu..
The 1st word we learned here is "Sortie" means 'exit'. We dont care, keep on pronounce it as 'sorty'. lantak ko lah...anyway its between me & H aje kan..bedal je lah..
At 1st, berpusing jugak la to find the line for St. Lazare. Finally, sampai jugak..

Our hotel was just right after we exit from St. Lazare. Lucky, we'd chose the right sortie lak tuh. Its just luck.
The hotel
Our hotel is just next to a seafood resto. Tempting nyer seafood tuh..huhu...(sorry, no pic, maleh nak snap)
Checked-in, relax awhile. Set appointment with a fren & we're out again. Just wanna check-on our hotel's surrounding.
-check duit dulu...-
-Jalan2 around Blvd. Haussmann-
-check these bikes-

Not sure if the bikes are belongs to someone or for rent etc..takde plak plat no. or tag etc...tapi semua parking baekkk punye. Below is its parking ticket/indicator i suppose.

Collage for pics around B. Haussmann.

Nearby a train's entrance.

Rupanya, on the ground baru la ramai whites. Indah la sikit pemandangan...kalo tak..hmmm...kelam...
And I notice, the french are more beautiful than english, its like they are 'more-colored' than the britons. Probably coz they've mixed with the latins, i dont know, just guessing.
pose kat tepon adalah wajip.

Another thing I love about Paris is its cars!! was all elegant, stylish & u couldnt see these models in mesia & even asia...this is really cool...
Check below citroen, its a taxi hokayyy?

Tapi 1 je, parisians' cars ni kotor tak hengat!
Rim sampai dah itam legam berabuk tak berbasuh. According to my fren, coz ada je pendengki yg nak calarkan keta2 yg berkilau2an..adoyai....
But i have other thought:
Its becoz the car is cheap. So, lantak ko lah, janji leh jalan.
Unlike us, european cars are damn expensive! kena jaga bagai menatang minyak yg penuh, tak gitew?
Then, we spot a halal resto. Basically the halal resto were everywhere. Pilih je, of coz i'll choose the one yg agak2 ok & bersih kan...So, here is our lunch.
The meal set: 8euro.

goshh....this meal was damn good. Bawah the kebab ada nasik briyani lagik. Punyala banyak...sib baik tak order 2. Otherwise, sure la daku tak larat nak makan.
...and this is my 1st nasik after 3 days, hehe..
-ice lemon tea-

But now, i regret for not snapping the pic of this resto, huhu...i'd forgotten its name. Its 'bout 2 or 3 blocks fr. our hotel. The days after, dah tak sempat nak return to this resto.
Dah kenyang, continue journey. We're heading to Galeries Lafayette- a shopping complex.
One thing for sure, buildings in Paris are all whites, compared to mostly red in London.
So much of contradictions.
* ****
Printemps-shopping complex

Inside Lafayette. Aint it gorgeous??

punya la byk kedai perfume kat lobby nyer..hadoi..pening ngan bau perfume...
Too bad my perfumes are still piling up, kalo tak ada alasan utk sambar sebotol dua.
Went out & then , spot this beautiful shop. Again, due to my eargerness, I'd forgotten to snap the name/location of this shop, sh#@**#, grr..
-Aint it lovely...-

I'm cursing my self for not buying this salad's sauce bowl when it is just in front of my eyes!.

Damn it!!! I was looking for it everywhere in Mesia & when I found it in Paris- I end-up not buying it. How stupid!!!
Huhu..bowls..i miss u guys...because of u, its just another reason for me to come here again..godwill. Sampai hari ni (16/4), I'm still regret of not buying those bowls. damn..
Other sweet item in the shop.

-how lovely...- nak dtg lagi, nak borong.. ngeh3x..
After meronda our surroundings, we got back to the hotel to take the things for my friend.
Then, out we go again. Took metro to Notre Dame. Its the inter-change station. Alang2 dah sampai, jenjalan around Notre dame jap.
The surrounding area, once we exit from the underground train.

A hotel nearby

The Notre Dame

It was stunning!
No wonder it took 200 years to complete it. Ukiran dia...hmm...cantik...Too bad, we cant enter as we're carrying the backpack.

superb!! it was magnificient!
Utmostly, this is the 1st tourist attraction yg we drop by-so, jakun la kejap.

View from the side (from the riverbank)

pokok-pokok gondol yg 'sebaya' je...heran jugak, dahan nya sama tinggi je ye.

Oo...rupanya while I was buzy studying the Notre Dame, navigating & checking the map, dia sebok amek gambar. No wonder la all the travel itinery nak rely on me, chaiss!

khusyiknye haku..he3x

Dah merilekskan kaki, we walk around the Notre Dame. It were lots of souvenir shops around.

Around Notre Dame again.

It was all beautiful, & its temperature is not as cold as London, it was just nice.
Beli brg sikit2 and then we're back to Metro to go to cik anor's house.
BTW acik, thanx for your guide. It was not that hard, just follow the route. We manage to arrived, safe & sound.
Our final stop: Juvisy.
Around Juvisy station.

Tak berapa lama tunggu, maka sampai la cik anor kita...Tq ya acik..susah2 je fetch us from the station. She came with her little angel.

Views on the way.

We finally reach at the Moulin's maison 'bout 10mins later.
Hmmm..sampai gak daku ke rumah acik ni, tak sangka betul lah.
Tropocal plants in Paris-jgn terkejut. Subur lak tu daun kesumnya tu.

Sekarang baru teringat, I should've briught her a packet of chili's seed. Boleh la dia tanam kat sana. Coz mine's grew healthily. Kalo nak masak, petik aje. Next time ah.
Ha....yg kanan tu la tuan rumah.

(lenkali daku nak pakai heels, or diri atas terompah, or bangku bila amek pics ngan acik ni, heheh)
Before it is dark, tour de jardin dolu.
With the rest of the households.
-anak bapak-

acik's tulips garden. Only daffodils(narcissus) yg dah blooms. Tulips belum lagi. I'm quite early.

Actually, ni bunga rumput jek...but still beautiful to me.


-pendatang asing with izin-

We drop by at acik's MIL&FIL's maison next door. Coco & Lulu are very lovely indeed, even tho cant really communicate in english with them, dgn bantuan jurubahasa, all seems ok la kan...maklum la..daku kan pemalu...
At Lulu's.

With Coco, Lulu and the kids.
Hell..we talked a lot. Kalo tido situ, maybe boleh berborak till early morning (memang pun tu la perangai kitorang semenjak azali, hehe).
Sure pokcik Nico pun bengkek je, sbb we talked non-stop.
I cant even spent time with the kids, sebok berborak punya pasal. Tuan rumah ngan baik hatinya menjamu nasi briyani with lamb. Fuhhh, it was yummylicious. Bravo!. Sampai bertambah la daku makan. Dahtu, dah baper ari lak tak jumpa nasik kan..apalagik...
After that, menjamu lak laksa power. Adoyai...tapi dah ala2 tak daya sgt nak kayuh pun...
H - admiring Adam's castle.

Dah makan segala...well, as usual, it time to leave. Alamak, kojap la plak rasanya....
Thanks to pokcik Nico coz sudi sent us back to the hotel. It was already around 9++pm at that time.
Hmm...sogan la pulak..dah tu, dia sempat lagi use route2 yg cantik that nite. We passed thru Champs!!! it was stunning at nite. And the Eifel tower, cantik gilos at nite.

Thanks to him, without him, I cant even have the chance to view Paris at night (coz it was raining on our 2nd nite there).
And to Acik Anor...thanks for everything..the meals...the souvenirs....
As for not becoming our tour guide, bukan apa, maleh nak kacau your daily routine. And, baper puluh kali la plak acik nak pegi the same place, ye dak? tak ke buhsan namanya tu...if 10 org dtg, 10 kali nak gi tpt yg sama, hadoiiii...lagipun malas nak nyusahkan org ni...
In short, it was a beautiful day & I cant even wait the next day, coz Paris was really beautiful.
No wonder it was called the 'city of love'
(lets c how long till u can view my 5th day's activities, hehe)
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