Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Baby Sit

Some of last year's collections.
Ow how she'd grown!!
This month, we decide to change her baby sitter to nanny just opposite of my mum's house.
Nothing is wrong with the previous nanny but it will be easier for my mum/dad to fetch her on each end of day.
Plus, if my parents is not around, F may also tumpang the new nanny as her school bus will definitely stops there, just in front of my mum's. Unlike if she's at my previous nanny, H need to take time-off to fetch her to school.
montel nya budak kecik ni at this time...gerrraammm

talking 'bout this nanny. In fact, me too stayed with this auntie when I was small.

But it was only when my mum is out of maid...haha..dari anak ke cucu duduk kat rumah cik Eton nih, haha..We do have servants till I'm sumting like 13 or 14, which by then I'm able to survive my own. And those days it was nothing compared to today. Those servants are all locals...called them "kakak"..and not so much of hassle...unlike today. Lotz and lotz to be worried the minute we hire a maid..gosh..we changed several maids few years back before finally decided for baby sitter instead.

But no matter how..we still need 1, on 1 fine day..huhu...

BTW, Obama is the new US president. Congratulation and good luck to him.

God speed, Cheerss...


Nad said...

Betul lar montel dia masa kecik, gerammmmmmmmm .. apa lagi, time to produce another one hih hi hhih

Crazypixie said...

geram tol la ngan bebudak yg montel2 ni..nak produce lagi??...hmmm tengok la tahap kerajinan aku nih....