Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Its So Hard...

Its so hard to say good bye...

In my life - "saying goodbye" is my most 'hatest' part of my life.

I hate to say goodbye to everything...

I just cant let things outta my life. To me, whatever comes to me, its mine, its my business and its part of me...to the most - it is part of me..which then, I hate to let it go (unless if I hate it la kan..and why must we keep things that we hate for no reason by the way?)

I'd remember once, during spring-cleaning my drawer while I was in my previous company, I came across an envelope full of my ATM's receipt. I kept everything in order, since day 1 i.e. the day I withdraw my first ever salary.

I just cant throw it away till a friend shouted: "&^%!!! for god's sake, that was just pieces of paper."

Whoaaa....I still refuse to throw it, its all part of me already..huhu..but in the end, I throw the rest, except the first few mths of my payday..hahah..by now I dunno where it is already.

Probably I'm a good 'care-keeper'
..but wait...I dunno where the hell all my certs are!! Damn it...

And today..I need to say goodbye to something.
Owww....I hate the 'departing' part.

True enough, it was just me..i hate when things gone, when it no longer in front of my eyes. And today..something has gone..I definitely need some time accepting the fact.


Nad said...

Ina, are you quitting your job??

Crazypixie said...

no lah...
belum lagik setakat ini..