Thursday, September 15, 2011

My Buddy and T's 6th Birthday

This is my first time ever having to spent my consecutive leave staying at home.

Moreover, I'm taking 10 days off!! (instead of just 8 days).

But then, that's a lot of happenings:

1. F exams (the solid reason for my stay-at-home leave)

2. T's birthday party - at her kindy.

3. Gotta chance to meet up my ol' buddy. huh, bukan senang nak jumpa Y.B nih.

4. My 2nd interview.

Lucky- manage to get over everything above.


Ol' Buddy

Just a day after my interview - we managed to set a place & time to meet. Wherelse: her fav. spot - Ampang park-Cozy house ler..

I salute just the way she handle 4 kids at once. 3 of her own & 1 niece.

Perghhh...kalo daku dah kelam kabut..ngan baby lagik.

Well, as usual, we talk like there's no tomorrow (memang takde pun), coz she'll only be here again next year. How 'bout that?

Her hubby's not around this time around-so we can talk & laugh like no one business, hehe.

Thanx buddy, coz you spare some time for me; with the fact that u need to go here & there for appointments.

BTW, baby jade was sooo adorable. Baik pulak tu.

But I am so not use to carry small babies, hehe. Sudah lupa lah, haha...kekok rasanya.
The last one was 6 years ago, k.. :D,


Adam & ida been very well mannered that day, even Sarah pun.

Such an adorable kids u have, dear.

My kiddo with prezies from aunt A.

Thanx so much my fren, they love it so much. Moreover my F is very artistic, truly artistic.
T's first ever design-daku yg kena tolong ohhh.....
T's design. owhhh, it was a bit of schocked when I saw this. Truth is, I browse her book.
Owh, this is quite impressive. Even I cant do this. I was impressed with the hair actually - and her idea on folded sleeves.

Hmm..I'm confused further...

T's Birthday

T's 6th birthday fall on 6th Sept. 2011.
However, it was a week later then I manage to arrange for her party.
It was nowhere other than her kindy/classroom.

T surrounded by her buddies

I'd never handle any class party before. it was simple & easy instead, hehe.

Bought party packs few days earlier. It seems the teacher will distribute the packs at end of class. owh, i see....

A cuppie cake would be the best solution I think. No plates, no creams, no icings, no smudges, no cutting, no knife etc...

And it fits their small belly too, hehe...

For once, i felt like surrounded by 'smurfs', hehe...they're all so small, ;D,


Be a good girl..u're so sweet,

I'll can't miss a day of not kissing u, hehe

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Exams Exams Exams


I wasn't so sure if my mum was as worried as me when I took my Penilaian Darjah Lima, donkey years ago.

But 1 thing for sure - my mum dont take any day off during my big exams.

As for me case - fuhh, I spare my consecutive leave just to prep F up.
Wouldnt know what happen if I'm not around.
She just couldnt care less. Acting like nothing is happening.

Grr..I need to mengikut her montot here & there to ensure she did all her exercises. And, there's time also when she asked permission to have a nap (?????).

This is really sickening, coz I still have quite a good memory-that i'm not that 'liat'. Even i'd clarify with my mum on that, hehe... perhaps i'm the obidient type, huhu.

But that's it.
Whatever done, is done. We can always try, I can only prep her - but she's the one sitting there & done her best.

I dont give much hope, as I know, she's not some kind of shining stars. She's always got problems with her eczema & conjuntivities.
This is the only year that she'd 1 day off from school. As for rest of her school years, punya lah banyak m.c, OR, the school might call me to pick her up, as her eyes turned itchy & reds & soars.

Just hope she got an A. That's good enuf, rather than nothing, ain't it?

Till then...see you..

Monday, September 5, 2011

Consecutive Leave

Yayyy!!!! I'm on leave from the Hari Raya up to 14th Sept.
Woww!! that is 15 days in total.

This is the first time ever that I'd spent my dayz staying at home during the consecutive leave, as contradict to last year, spending it at U.K.

In short, these are not really my rest days. Gotta run errands here and there..

My core job - to fetch kids in the afternoon from my mum's.

On the first Monday (5/9/11), I'd invited my mum, dad & sis for dinner. And i'd cooked the baked macaroni for the 1st time ever. huh, wanna do this for so long.

Then, the next day, I'd a slight fever.
Whilst on Wed (8/9), I gotta attend an interview. Pheww...dunno if I'd done it well.

And, on each evening, gotta cook an early dinner, as the kids will started to hungry by 7pm.

And..the most difficult part - gotta eye on my F which her big exams coming on 13th Sept.

Some pic from the dinner the other day.

grilled salmon & vege

those lauks

T and atuk

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Smurf 3D

Waited for this for sooo long.

Maka, as soon as we reach KL (from Ipoh), by late evening, straight to Pavillion to watch this. Actually i'd watched this wif heave-hearted as I dunt want F to enjoy so much. Dah le raya that day tak belajo sangat kan...

But since H insisted, and this is my fav cartoon, how can I say 'no'????

Learnt a thing today- It seems we cant book 3D movies online.

Hmm..excuse me, since when? and why I didnt know?
In reality: I'd cease practising the online booking eversince H got his GSC card.
Say...2 years back? huhu.

So, we need to rush to Pavillion & secure the ticket. Phewww..lucky it is Friday (2/9/11), so dpt la book good seatings.


Back to Smurf.

Woowww!!! it was superb!! I'd enjoy the movie wayyy it was 25 years ago (what??).

Its just that this time it is modified with technologies, hoho.

Best part of smurf is the 'smurfies song'!!!
Na na, na na na na na na na....

Best part of movies-the smurf village. I love those mushroom houses.
However it only part of the beginning & end of scenes, the rest are in NY...

In short- thumbs up to Smurf 3D.

5 complete stars!!

(i havent watch the Cars 2-dunno if i still can make it)

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Raya xtivities

We're at my mum's house on first day of raya. Then, going back to Ipoh (my in-laws) on the same day. we reach there around 4pm I think. Well, I'd slept almost the entire journey. Couldnt help it, tersangat la....mengantoknya, coz sleep quite late the night before. Surprisingly, still the traffic is quite heavy.

As usual, it is all about makan and makan at my in-laws. As we put it, it's not becoz of lapar or anything, but simply the temptation, huh!. memang bolat la if duk kat sini.

Ada laksa, tapai, then lauk-pauk yg mengancam, perghh...terasa berat badanku. Furthermore, no house chores lak tu (sbb rumah org kan...). Hadeh...pastu dah konyang, zzz....

On the 2nd raya, H & family went to Parit- their kampong. Went to 2 houses there. On late evening of 3rd raya, we'd went to my father's kampong, in Kuala Kangsar. We left back to Ipoh at around 11pm.

Too bad, no pics, as my camera is out of batt this year. Except for some, in my FB.

Back to KL on Friday (4th raya) with hefty stomach, urgghhh...

My hand, kena minyak panas during my stay in Ipoh , aduss...