Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Exams Exams Exams


I wasn't so sure if my mum was as worried as me when I took my Penilaian Darjah Lima, donkey years ago.

But 1 thing for sure - my mum dont take any day off during my big exams.

As for me case - fuhh, I spare my consecutive leave just to prep F up.
Wouldnt know what happen if I'm not around.
She just couldnt care less. Acting like nothing is happening.

Grr..I need to mengikut her montot here & there to ensure she did all her exercises. And, there's time also when she asked permission to have a nap (?????).

This is really sickening, coz I still have quite a good memory-that i'm not that 'liat'. Even i'd clarify with my mum on that, hehe... perhaps i'm the obidient type, huhu.

But that's it.
Whatever done, is done. We can always try, I can only prep her - but she's the one sitting there & done her best.

I dont give much hope, as I know, she's not some kind of shining stars. She's always got problems with her eczema & conjuntivities.
This is the only year that she'd 1 day off from school. As for rest of her school years, punya lah banyak m.c, OR, the school might call me to pick her up, as her eyes turned itchy & reds & soars.

Just hope she got an A. That's good enuf, rather than nothing, ain't it?

Till then...see you..

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