Saturday, September 3, 2011

Raya xtivities

We're at my mum's house on first day of raya. Then, going back to Ipoh (my in-laws) on the same day. we reach there around 4pm I think. Well, I'd slept almost the entire journey. Couldnt help it, tersangat la....mengantoknya, coz sleep quite late the night before. Surprisingly, still the traffic is quite heavy.

As usual, it is all about makan and makan at my in-laws. As we put it, it's not becoz of lapar or anything, but simply the temptation, huh!. memang bolat la if duk kat sini.

Ada laksa, tapai, then lauk-pauk yg mengancam, perghh...terasa berat badanku. Furthermore, no house chores lak tu (sbb rumah org kan...). Hadeh...pastu dah konyang, zzz....

On the 2nd raya, H & family went to Parit- their kampong. Went to 2 houses there. On late evening of 3rd raya, we'd went to my father's kampong, in Kuala Kangsar. We left back to Ipoh at around 11pm.

Too bad, no pics, as my camera is out of batt this year. Except for some, in my FB.

Back to KL on Friday (4th raya) with hefty stomach, urgghhh...

My hand, kena minyak panas during my stay in Ipoh , aduss...

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