Thursday, March 19, 2009

Take It On The Other Side

I'd purposely post one of Red Hots's song title as my posting title today. Nothing, its just that I'm enjoying this song this morning.
I'll be going on-leave tomorrow. Yahooo....its been a while since I dont take any leave. Probably the only date I took was on 5th Jan kut - its for the school registration. But I still have lots of assignments..huhu...helpppp (hell wut I'm doing, updating my blog during my stay-back, huh)
Keje byk, tapi nak cuti...uwaaa...
A week of school holiday, so the traffic is good for the entire week.
We're off somewhere tomorrow, but first, gotta go to lawyer's office in the morning to pay for our strata title documents..grrr..around 3k plus, heckss...there it goes...(of coz H paid it, but..bye2 3k, thot i wanna mengecek for the wii)

Definitely we're off to the East tomorrow for the wedding of H's colleague on Sunday. But I hadnt book any hotel yet. Sure it'll pack (as its school hols), but will try our luck somewhere.

As long as it matters (wah, lagu Gin Blossom la plak), I need my spa. Its been so longgg....

And after coming back from holiday...i must watch the "Confession of the Shopaholic". If I'm not mistaken it'll be realease sumwhere around 26th March (wahhh...siap ingat date tue...).

Hopefully its hillarious, as the novel is...i'll be laughing out loud...hahahh..

(btw, we always laugh it loud in the movie..haha...buttt..its always just 4 of us in a row...tak campur ngan org lain. So, sukati we all la kan, nak gelak long as we're not the loudest one, ok la tu...)

See ya!!!..


Nad said...

Comelnya masa dia baby ... rasa nak picet picet jer ... so bila third one nih?? Kalau boy lagi cantek hih hih hih

Eh napa aku rasa ko selalu cuti cuti msia ek? Ko plak cakap dah lama tak cuti hu huuuuuuuu

Crazypixie said...

memang selalu nau cuti2 mesia..dah masuk kategori bosan nih.
tu yg takleh nak cuti2 luar mesia tu..hahah..

ongkosnya udah abes donggg...